Happy Valentine's Day!!! / Chapter 9

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"Alright Princess what do you want?" I sat Ariana in her chair as I arrange her food options on the counter. I will admit that I am spoiling her a little too much but after the day she had last week she deserves more.

I see her dabble between the options of cereal and pancakes so I remove her omelet option out of the way.

"Daddy! I want pancakes." I must've zoned out for a second.

"Anything for you princess." She looks at me with suggesting eyes.

"What is it princess?" She looks at me while I set her pancakes in front of her.

"Daddy. I know about mommy and Jimin." My eyes open wide. I don't think she completely understands but she gets the gist.

"You know they are dating?" She gulps down a piece of pancake before speaking once again.

"Daddy what are you talking about? I was talking about their date." Ariana finished speaking and took a sip of orange juice.

"Oh I thought you kne—WHAT DO YOU MEAN DATE?" Ariana covers her ears and shushes me.

"Not so loud daddy! If mommy hears you I'm going to get in trouble." I sit down next to her and start eating my own pancakes.


When I woke Ariana was sound asleep next to me. I took this advantage and took a long hot shower. In my shower, I hear my phone ringing. I stop the water and then look. It's Jimin. Of course it's Jimin it's like he knows when I'm in the shower. I answered the phone after drying my hands and putting it on speaker.

"Hey baby how's Gorda? Is she ok? Are you ok?" Oh Jimin let me answer.

"Ok first good morning baby! Two, Gorda is still sleeping but she's alright for the most part. Three, I'm alright I'm just a little startled. I guess you could say I'm still in shock after last week." I could hear his hitched breathing over the phone.

"Don't worry baby you will feel better soon eventually. But baby today is Valentine's Day. And I wanted to know if perhaps you wanted to say I don't know go on a date with me?" I feel myself start blushing. My cheeks turned a deep shade of crimson red.

"Jimin! Of course I want to go on a date with you! You've been working so hard and so much lately that I barely get to see you. And trust me I want to see you." I heard him let out a breath that he was clearly holding in the whole time.

"Alright then baby I will see you at 7! Ok baby I'll see you then!" I hang up the phone and start squealing like a 10-year-old.

Once I dried and got out Ariana wasn't in bed any more. She must've gone downstairs with Namjoon.

While I was getting ready I heard a very distant scream. All I could hear was "WHAT DO--" And then I couldn't hear anymore. I put on a "Not Today" pink crop top with light blue ripped jeans, and some white Adidas.

I headed downstairs after braiding my hair, and i firstly, see Ariana bathed and changed into a pink tutu and a white shirt that says "Daddy's Little Girl" I start laughing internally.

He's Back // BTS Namjoon smutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang