Library / Chapter 29

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I kept thinking and thinking. When I showed Namjoon the letter he got it immediately. I felt dumb for not noticing it sooner.

"Babe! It's Jackson fucking Wang!" Did he just call me babe? I gave Namjoon a death glare before going back to looking at the note. The Busanjin public library basement? It's such a public place to hold someone captive, especially a child.

"Namjoon? We need to go there now!" Namjoon shook his head and grabbed my hand. We both ran towards the exit door of the hospital. We called Jin and explained everything. He came to us with Jimin, Jungkook, Taehyung, J-Hope, and Suga.

As we were leaving the hospital Doctor Lee stopped me. Doctor Lee has been my personal doctor since the day I found out I was pregnant with Ariana. He always takes care of me. But I can't talk with him right now, Ariana is in danger.

"Elena? Could you come over here really quickly? I need to talk to you about something important!" Doctor Lee yelled over to me. I told Namjoon to head to the car and he did.

"Yes Doctor Lee? I'm in a bit of a hurry." Doctor Lee shoved his glasses up a bit higher on his nose. He looked at me and gave me a poker face.

"You see Elena, Doctor Sagong and Doctor Choi emailed me your test results back when you were in the hospital..." Doctor Lee kept talking about how my tests results looked good, except for one thing.

Doctor Lee muttered three little words that made my heart beat faster. I felt tears start coming to my eyes. Doctor Lee pulled out his pocket tissues, and gave me one. I looked down and started playing with my hands again.

"How long?" Doctor Lee looked at me. He then looked down and checked his charts. After a while he looked back up and answered my question. I thanked him quickly before walking outside. I walked towards the car with tears falling down my face. Jimin came out of the car and helped me.

"Elena are you ok? What's wrong?" Jimin walked me to the car and sat me down. Everyone stared at me and awaited for an answer. I just wiped away my tears and put on a straight face.

"Whatever is going on with me doesn't matter. My daughter matters. She's in danger. And Jin if you don't step on that fucking gas pedal I will. Now everyone stop with the looks and start worrying about my daughter!" I looked at Namjoon and he looked at me. He sent me a worried glance. I ignored it and looked at Jin, who was speeding towards the library.

"No wonder he picked here, it's abandoned." Taehyung said as he and Jungkook walked towards the entrance and read the sign on the window. But Jungkook pushed a bit too hard and something had fallen.

"Is that a key?" Namjoon ran towards the key on the ground and picked it up. He placed the key in the lock and turned it. Namjoon places his hands on the door to push it open but he ended up breaking the lock.

"Namjoon!" Namjoon had fallen over from the door bursting open. I ran to him and helped him up. We then all walked inside and headed towards the basement.

We opened the door and saw a chair. On the chair were ropes and Ariana's blanket. I felt my heart sink and I ran towards her blanket. I picked it up and inspected it. If I found even a hint of blood I was going to kill this man with my bare hands.

"Babe? What's that?" Namjoon came up behind me and pointed towards the tablet on the chair. My hands shook as I leaned in closer to grab it. I turned it on and immediately got a call. It was a video call. I answered almost immediately and saw Ariana.

"ARIANA!" Ariana was tied onto a chair. Her hair was messy and her face was red. She was still wearing her hospital robe. She kept crying and crying. I started crying myself. I had to cover my mouth since I couldn't handle seeing her like that.

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