Birds And The Bees

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Chapter 4
Finns pov:
I picked up my daughter Kalyn from school .

"Hey baby girl." I said picking her up.

"Hi daddy ." She said and gave me a hug .

"So , what'd you learn about in school today ?" I asked her .

"What are the birds and the bees?" She asked me .

I looked at her shocked and said,

"Where did you here that from ?" 

"Some 5th graders in the hall spoke about it today , what is it?" She asked again.

I struggled for a minute and said ,

" when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and...."

She looked at me super confused ,

"You know I think this is  a question for your mom." I said and we went to Rachel's house .

Rachel's pov:
I got home from work and sat down only for the door to be opened by Finn and Kalyn .

"Mommy , mommy!" Kalyn yelled and ran to me .

"Hi baby girl ." I said and gave her a hug .

"Mommy , what are the birds and the bees ?" She asked me .

I looked at her surprised and then at Finn .

"Daddy told me to ask you ." She said .

"Oh he did ." I said glaring at Finn .

"I figured this was a conversation for you and her to have ." Finn said .

I rolled my eyes annoyed at Finn and said ,

"Well honey , when a mommy and daddy love each other very much they have the option to make a baby together ." I said .

"How do they make the baby?" She asked me .

" they write a letter to god and god sends them a baby." I said lying .

"Really?" She asked us .

"Yep." Finn and I said .

"Cool." She said and went to go play .

I looked at Finn and said ,

"You couldn't have warned me ?"

"Sorry." He said sarcastically.

"Look remember we have an appointment with the lawyer tomorrow at 3:30 don't forget again." I said .

"Yeah , yeah , I'll be there ." He said .

"Hey you're the one who's been putting it off ." I said .

"Well I wouldn't have too if you just signed the papers ." He said .

"Trust me I would if you paid your damn child support instead paying for Malibu barbies boobs to get done ." I said .

"Hey don't talk about my fiancé that way." He said .

"Get out of my house."  I said and he left .

I sighed and locked the door then collapsed on the couch .

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