Panick Attack

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Chapter 17
(2 months later)
Rachel's pov:
I was asleep in bed when suddenly I heard Kalyn screaming in pain . I got up and ran to her room .

"Mama!" She cried .

"Baby I'm here what's wrong?" I asked

"It hurts!" She cried .

I felt her head and she was burning up . I picked her up and took her to the hospital.

"Kalyn Hudson!" The doctor said .
I stood up and the doctor said ,

"Ms.Berry , your daughter has been diagnosed with Appendicitis and needs to go into surgery immediately ."

"Does my insurance cover that ?" I asked the doctor .

"Unfortunately you are no longer insured by your company so you'll have to pay out of pocket ." He told me .

"Okay thank you I'll figure something out." I said .

I took out my cell phone and called the one person who could help me , Finn .

(5 minutes later)
"Rachel!" Finn said running into the hospital.

"Finn!" I said .

I ran up to him and for the first time in years he gave me a hug .

"Is she okay?" He asked me .

"She's in surgery. Oh Finn I'm so scared ." I said upset .

"Hey it's okay, she's going to be okay." He told me .

"I can't do it Finn. I'm a terrible mom . I don't even have a job and no insurance to help her ." I said crying .

He gave me a hug and said ,

"Don't say that Rachel ! You're a great mom ."

"I'm so scared Finn ." I said and cried in his arms

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