I Want You

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Chapter 19
(Two days later )
Rachel's pov:
Kayln had her surgery and now we were back home. Finn had decided to stay over because Rose had been out of town and Nick and his daughter went home for thanksgiving.  It was strange , within two days it had felt as if Finn and I were a couple again . We talked and laughed and joked as if we were together , as if we were a family . Finn slept on the couch and one night I came down stairs to see him awake .

"What are you doing up at this hour ?" I asked him .

He turned to me and then I saw it , for the first time Finn had been crying . I went to couch and said ,

"What's wrong?"

He wiped his tears and said ,

"Nothing I just , it's just...."

He could barely get the words out .

"Just what?" I asked him .

"I'm just , so sorry how I treated you these past 7 years ." He said .

"What?" I said shocked .

"You loved me so much and I screwed it up and lost the best thing I ever had . You and Kayln. You loved me through everything and I treated you like crap , I hurt you both and I can't believe you would be so kind to even let me be in our daughters life . I don't deserve that kindness not after what I put you through." He said .


"You were the best thing I ever had and I fucked it up." He said upset .

I don't know why but somehow it had seem as if the man I once knew had returned . Finn was broken , he was broken and now he's back with me .

I wiped his tears and said ,

"You made mistakes Finn , everyone makes mistakes ."

"Not how I did , I left the woman I loved for some stupid girl who is nothing compared to you." He said .

"What are you saying ?" I said .

"I'm saying , I never stopped loving you and these past couple days have reminded me of what I lost and I know I can't take it back , and I don't expect you to forgive me but please just tell me , do you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you ?" He asked me .

I froze , I could my heart beating fast, I got goose bumps and suddenly I slowly got up and then got on Finn lap . I took my shirt off and said ,

"Kiss me."

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