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Chapter 22
(3 months later )
Rachel's pov:
I haven't spoken to Finn in at least 3 months since we slept together . After the holidays he finally decided to agree to my terms and today we were signing the divorce papers . I also decided to take Kalyn and myself to Lima to live there . Finn has caused so much pain and I'm done dealing with his bullshit ways . I got to my lawyers office and Finn was there early waiting for me and the lawyer .

"Hi." He said when I came in but I didn't say a word .

"Rachel please talk to me ." He begged .

I stayed silent and waited for my lawyer .

(1 hour later )
"Alright I now pronounce you no longer married." The lawyer said and left .

Finn and I sat there silent .

"I should go pick up Kayln." I said .

"How is she ? I haven't been by since well you know."

"She's great." I said .

"That's great . I miss her and I miss you." He said .

I held my tears back ,

"I gotta go ."

"Rachel, wait." He said .

"There's nothing to do Finn . We're over , we have been for a while . I'm done with you for good ." I said and left .

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