What I Had Once

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Chapter 18
(The day Kayln was born)
Finns pov:
I woke up to Rachel in pain ,

"Rachel you okay ?" I asked her .

"Finn , it's time !" She said calmly .

"Oh my god ! Okay!"

I got up out of bed and ran to get the diaper bag and keys . I then helped Rachel up and to the car .

"Finn don't forget my shoes and Barbra cd ." Rachel said .

I ran back into the house and got her shoes and then finally ran out the door .

(The hospital)
I got Rachel to the hospital and took her over to the front desk .

"Hi , my wife , she's having a baby." I said out of breath .

"Okay I need you to fill out this paper work." The nurse said .

"Ahhhh!!!" Rachel yelled in pain.

"Can't that wait my wife is in labor." I said .

"I'm sorry but..."

"Ahhhh!!!!! Listen lady , I am getting ready to shove a HUMAN BEING out of my vajay-jay so unless you want me to give birth right here , right now , get me into a room now !" Rachel yelled .

"Okay ! Okay!" The nurse said scared of Rachel and we went into the room .

(10 minutes later)
The nurse gave Rachel an epidural and now she was very relax and calm .

"Finny." Rachel said smirking .

"Yeah." I said .

"I'm scared , what if I'm a bad mom?" She said .

I took her hand and said ,

"You are going to be a great mom Rachel Barbra Hudson . You've always been a mom , you were meant to do this ." I told her .

She grabbed my face and squeezed my cheeks ,

"I love you so freaking much and I can't wait to have a baby with you ." She said .

I smiled and kissed her ,

"I love you too Rachel."

"Ahh..." she said having another contraction.

"Okay Mrs.Hudson , we're ready to push ."

I looked at Rachel and she smiled and then she started to push.
(Later on)
After a couple pushes we finally heard the cry of our baby girl , Kayln. Rachel held her in her arms and I looked at them both. I was so lucky to have them .

"May I get a picture of the happy family?" One of the nurses asked us.

"Sure." I said .

I gave the nurse the phone and she took our picture and it was one of the  best days of my life .
(Current day)
Finns pov:
I sat in the hospital room with Rachel asleep on my shoulder . I had given her my jacket to keep her warm and I told her I'd wake her up when Kayln was awake . I looked at Rachel and Kayln , they were both asleep soundly and this was the first time we were all together in a while. and  for a second I missed the idea of us being a family . I missed what I once had . I pulled out my phone and look at my wall paper . It was the day Kayln was born , one of the best days of my life , the other one was the day I married Rachel .

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