Chapter 10

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(Your P.O.V)

It took a couple day for me to get back on my feet. I had to explain to Aphmau that I was gone for 'Family business'. I also said sorry about a billion times and Aphmau was just happy I was back. Travis has also hung out with me more. Mainly just movie nights and random hang outs at the mall. He's been a very great friend.

(B/F/N) has been there for me too. But she's been busy moving in and finding another job. I offered the cafe but she said it wasn't her style. 

Of course, I was at work again and that meant seeing Gene. I try my best to stay away from him, he hasn't talked to me at all. Which is good? A part of me wants him to talk to me, but I know that maybe it's best to stay away. 

That going to be hard to do...

I continue to work and serve the customers the best I can. You'll see a few inpatient people here and there, and get terribly rude people but what can you do? People just seem to always be jerks. I learned that the hard way.

I quickly serve the last few people, and let them leave. I had the closing shift which means I have to clean up everything. I go to the back and grab a mop. I hear something in the kitchen and assume it's someone that has the closing shift with me. 

I shrug and start putting the chairs on top of the tables so it's easier to mop the floors. As I do that I hear someone come out and I turn around to tell them to sweep the floors. 

'SHit.' I quickly see the figure standing in front of me. 

Of course it's Gene. I turn back around without saying anything. 

"Do you want me to sweep..?" He hesitantly asks. I nod my head and continue to put the last few chairs up. Once I was done I went to wash some dishes while Gene was sweeping. 

No one said a word that night. Dead silence, we just cleaned quietly and quickly. It was obvious that he wanted to say something but didn't. I'm somewhat happy he didn't.

This went on for the next couple of days, we had the last shift together for the whole week. Soon, if the silence was too unbearable, I would take out my phone and earphones. To listen to music while I worked. 

It was better than nothing. I soon came to hum along to some of the songs. Which secretly made Gene smile. Anyways, a few days pass and (B/F/N) been doing well. 

Well besides the fact that her flipping car broke down. We don't even know what happened! It just start to not work and we could drive it anymore. We're trying to get it fixed but, apparently this is the worst week every and she has an interview she has to go to. I also offered her my car, which means I'm taking the bus to work. 

I leave earlier then usually and try to grab the next bus. I successfully do and make my way to the made cafe, or the street that its on. I step off the bus and look at the sky, its getting darker and cloudy. Which is never a good sign. 

I sigh and quickly made my way to the cafe. I do my job as waiter/maid and at the end of the day, close up shop. I look out the big windows to see that its raining. No, not raining, pouring. It raining cats and dogs outside. 

I glare at the window for a minute and curse the weather. Then go back to cleaning up. Everything is just adding on top of each other and it's not very fun. 

Maid Cafe love~ MinecraftMystreet (Gene x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now