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(3rd Person P.O.V.)

(Y/N) and Gene walk into a building. The bell rang softly as they approached the front desk hand in hand. In the middle of the desk was a logo of a Dog and Cat. Underneath it was writing, "Pet Rescue Center".    

"Hello, How may I help you today?" The woman behind the desk said cheerfully. 

"I was thinking about adopting a pet, maybe a cat?" (Y/N) informed her as the lady pulled out some papers. 

"Okie dokie, right this way ma'am," she took the papers and brought them to a room with many caged animals. Mostly cats and dogs but also a few birds and hamsters. 

(Y/N) peeked inside each cage and put her finger for a few dogs to lick. Gene stood at the front door waiting for her to pick which one to take. After a bit of looking around she stopped in front of a cage. This was quickly noticed by Gene who went up to her.

"Found one?" he put an arm around her and looked into the cage. A small kitten turned to him. 

"It the one I found the first week I came here.." She looked into its tiny blue eyes. It broke contact by moving to the back of the cage. 

"It kinda looks like you," (Y/N) laughed and Gene looked at the cat again. "You both have the same blue eyes."

"Guess we do, it's pretty cute," Gene looked back to the lady, "How about this one?" She walked over to them and looked at the tag on the cage.

"Pretty energetic this one, was rescued a few months ago. But for some reason no one wants to take him in. Probably thinks he's too destructive," she looked back to them, "Want me to bring him out?" 

(Y/N) nodded her head 'yes' and the lady opened the cage, carefully grabbing the small kitten. "Now he's pretty small so be carefully."

(Y/N) grabbed him and held him close to her chest, the tiny black and white cats was calm. But only for a few seconds. Instenly he started to go up her shoulder and clawed at her shirt. She winced as he made himself comfortable. 

"Hmm, seems to like you," Gene looked at the small pet clinging to (Y/N) shoulder.

She chuckled, "Yeah, but geez this hurts. But it's worth it." She petted the cat then faced the pet lady again.

"I'll take him."

~Many minutes of paper work and talking later~ 

(Y/N) walks inside the small, but neat, apartment. She quickly brought the small kitten to the bathroom. 

"You're supposed to put them in one room at a time right? Something about it being overwhelming?" She called out to Gene who was trying to close the front down. Struggling with many bags full of cat stuff.

(Y/N) opened the box they put  the cat in to keep him safe. She carefully grabbed him and set him so he could start exploring the small bathroom.

Closing the door and rushing over to Gene, he was having a hard time setting everything down. Grabbing one of the bags and taking the litter box and cat litter out. 

"Probably? I don't really know anything about cats," Gene sighed opening the bag of kitty litter for her. She poured it into the box and shook it around to level it. 

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