Chapter 12

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(Your P.O.V) 

I wake up with a jolt when someone jumps onto my bed. Blankets go everywhere and I almost fall off. 

"Why are you in my room?" I groan while figure out who woke me up. 

"Because, you're are going to be late."(B/F/N) cooed while getting off of me. I put my head into the pillow and groan.

"I'll get up right now. I don't leave until 10." I said, closing my eyes once more. She pouts and gets off me but still sits at the edge of the bed. 

"So, no Breakfast...?" she asked. I look up from my pillow, interested in the idea of getting food. Even if it's too early to get up, I'm always hungry. 

I sigh and start to get up, I could see her smirking in the corner of my eye. How dare she bribe me with food. 

"Yeah, sure, whatever.." I pout and start to fix my hair. She laughs and gets up. 

"(F/B/F) like always right? " She asked and I nodded, "Then I'll see what I can cook up."

(B/F/N) walks out of my room, closing the door behind her so I can change and get ready for life. I groan and go to my closet to pick out an outfit. I continue to brush my hair and take my phone off the charger. Sliding it into my pocket, I head out to eat whatever food (B/F/N) made. Hoping it would be (F/B/F). 

I smile as I sit down at the table and look at my phone. A new message from Gene:

Good morning~ Hope you slept well, can't have you acting like a zombie today >:p

I laugh and text him back:

Don't worry I won't, and I didn't go to bed that late last night..

And Good morning to you too Genie.

I froze as I saw then text be sent. Shoot, I didn't mean to call him that. I quickly type out an apology:

Lol, I think I like that nickname. Which is usually not like me. 

Ahh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that 

Huh? You do??

It's not to weird is it? 

Nope it weird 

I'm sorry.. 

Woah, calm down. It's fine. It kinda cute so I don't mind :)

I bite my lip as I continue to text Gene, laughing every now and then because of how much of a dork he is. 

"Hey, (Y/N)? You still with me?" (B/F/N) waved her hand in front of my face and I quickly shut off my phone and put it faced down on the table. 

"What? Sorry, I was.... reading something?" I tried to lie. She raised an eyebrow but shrugged anyways. 

"Hmm, Well, the food's done. So eat up and we can get going." She grabbed one of the two actually plates we had in the cabinet. I get the other one.

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