Prologue - Darmiyaan

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Your shadows in my eyes..
Which follows me everywhere..

Even if I want, I can't
distance myself from your memories..

Even when I left..
You didn't go..

You stay in my heart..
And everything happens according to your wish..

Why do I remember you..
I end.. and.. I begin with you..

Please open your eyes..
So that I can get to know
my destination..

It's my life..
Your life..
Our life..!?..



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Love of Silence..

A soul, with  soul-less life..
Her life is an endless destination..
She hid her identity..
To secure her love..
Her silence  is her voice..
Silence even in her love..
That became her world..

His soul is she..
He wished to become her destination..
He doesn't want to know about her.. But that was his major mistake ..
Which made him to be locked in her love..
His language is her Silence..
Which he wants to make his..
That will be his world..


Is that.. Promises are made to broken..?..
May be.. That's why he is angry on her..
But she will placate him..
That is their heaven..
That's known as the Paradise of their love..
That's why their love is Silent..

Each day was like a wave..
Which touches the seashore for few seconds..
But what he wanted was..
Not to be the wave...!
To be the seashore...!
That stays there forever and ever together..!

She wants him to be the threshold of her life..
Every praise of his heart belongs to her..
Their life will become beautiful.. When they both attain each other..

At Least they wish for the sky to shower rain..
So that.. their tears can unite with each other and make them complete..

Will this love be possible with breaking their Silence..?!..

Let's wait and look forward..!..


Will be continued soon..

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With  Love..
Suba  ❤️

Darmiyaan.. Love Of Silence - SS on Abhigya Where stories live. Discover now