10.. A Solacing Soul

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Happy to welcome you guys back to read this one.. ❣️❣️

Here is the next chapter.. 💜❤️
Happy reading everyone.. 💜❤️

Chapter 10 : A Solacing Soul..

"A heart with love has its reasons of which reason knows nothing.."


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Abhi started to have quivers, when he heard her asking him to return her watch.. Arjun looks surprised at her, who still held Abhi's hand and had stuck her lips with enticing smile at him..

Abhi inserted his hand into the pocket and pulls out the watch, as Pragya kept ogling at him.. He rasps it for one last time and forwards it to Pragya..

She grappled it from him.. Abhi gave her a reprieve glance, and she freed his hand from her grip.. he flips and sees Arjun, who nudged his giggle silently.. Abhi twists his lips looking at Pragya, and turns aside to leave, but was stopped again by her..

Just want to say.. say you that.. Pragya whispered her voice a little louder.. Abhi tilted his face down and shimmers his eyes, while Pragya continued.. Good Night Abhishek.. she looked up to him staring into his bright flickering eyes.. where he managed to suppress the shiver of his lower lips by biting it hard, and let his farewell smile for that night and walked his steps towards the canvas..

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Entering into his canvas, he layed over the mattress and placed his cheek over his plams.. He recalled her voice, the tone of her good night..!..

He pulled a piece of cloth out from his pocket and snorts it.. the pink color of the cloth reminded him.. those rosette cheeks of her, which blushed at him abruptly whenever his sight touched her..

His lips whorls to a solace smile, on remembering how she placed her kerchief into his plams, when she held it the second time..

Abhi's POV..

I'm falling in love with you more than I felt an hour ago.. Can you feel that..!?.. I'm unglued of your thoughts, and it's tickling me inside.. You are all that I see every fraction of seconds until my mind goes unconscious..

I'm in need of your presence at every second of my life.. I know we haven't known each other long, but I don't care about it.. I just want to think about this day, I wonder how I keep that linger feelings for you inside me..!..

I need you feebly Pragya.. I need you the way how a stale ground gets immersed in the rain.. I never wanted to live so much, as I did right when I saw you the first time.. then hanging you around me, those priceless minutes..

Darmiyaan.. Love Of Silence - SS on Abhigya Where stories live. Discover now