11.. Acing Love Of Hearts

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Good day to everyone..
I'm Overjoyed with all the lovely response from you all.. ❤️

Thanking each and everyone for this love and support.. 💜

With that happy mode.. Let's get into the update.. ️💜


Chapter 11 :
Acing love of Hearts

"To love is to recognise yourself in another"

"To love is to recognise yourself in another"

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❤️ 💜 ❤️ 💜 ❤️ 

Walking up the long wettish ground all alone for hunting her, he felt like someone piercing his bare foot with needles.. Abhi's eyes soon populated with tear that lined at the edge of its corners.. Letting out a distend breath.. he hollered.. Pragya..!.. he heard his monotone voice echoing coarsely beyond him..

Abhi was learning that the time being apart from her was more intense and dreadful.. This real distance for little few minutes is a kind that is much aching and it made him to stop wonder about anything else, other than her.. Longing so bad to get her, this absence of her began to hurt, to care so much for her..

Pacing forward to the end of the path.. He stood earshot at that peculiar sound.. Taking his steps towards that sound.. from a distance he saw the waterfall, that had been a silent white runnel tumbling over the rocky out stones..

His eyes engaged over the slenderize figure, who stood over one of the large rock, not nearly situated at the edge of the cascade.. As he tramps closer.. the noise increased undeviatingly.. he was only a few metres away.. "She too..!..".. He strikes hard inside him..

She hurriedly turns her face sensing his presence, her lips stretched for a conquering smile.. that made peace for his agitation.. also healing his soul and filled his heart with upraise..

Though he had the sullen inside him, for the act she did minutes ago.. he didn't precise it over her.. he kept calm falling for her glimpse at him..

She leaned close to him and traced his cheek with her palm and flipped it towards the giant waterfall near them.. The deafening roar of the water captured their heed..

She drew her fingers sliding down his cheek and tinged them clutching his hand.. Moving on, she intertwined his fingers with hers.. and almost dragged him leisurely..

Abhi intellects his heart pounding abruptly, as she made him stand at the mere edge of the rock.. As close as, the close still they drew until they were in the strut of water smog, that dang over the air..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2020 ⏰

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