5.. The Pristine feelings..

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Hello friends.. 💜

Happy with all your love and support.. ❤️

Here is the next chapter..

Chapter 5.. The Pristine feelings..

"Sorrow is how we learn to love

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"Sorrow is how we learn to love..
Your heart isn't breaking..
It hurts because it's getting larger..

The larger it gets, the more
love it holds.."


Don't you dare to touch it.. Not even your shadow.. I wish you fall over it..!.. Abhi blunted his voice.. as she gave him a frail look.. and at once sighted away.. while he walked towards her...

I.. I'm here to.. to say that.. he voiced shivering his words.. by standing a few inch far from her.. while she turned towards him.. but still kept her eyes uncontacted with him..

As he continued.. My sister Aaliya is here.. you know her already.. I mean.. he halted.. when he noticed Kushi awake .. she stepped down from the bed.. and Pragya stepped towards her.. and Kushi rounded her legs with her arms..

I don't want her to know about you.. so.. I want you to shift you from here to Krishna's home..!.. he said and turned to leave.. but stopped hearing her tender voice.. Krishna..?!..

Krishna.. .. Abhi stressed her name.. and she stood right in front of him with a shining smile.. And said.. Wow.. you just said my name.. I.. I can't believe this..!..

Abhi gritting his teeth and was about to call Arjun.. But before he could.. Arjun entered the room..

Haan.. Abhi.. I have explained her everything clearly.. And I don't think he too will have a problem if Pragya and Kushi stays there..

I will make Aaliya busy with me.. If possible I will take her some where out.. And in meanwhile everything will be done.. Said Arjun and.. Abhi nodded his head..

Pragya looked on puzzled.. while Krishna said.. You both no need to worry.. I will take care of them very well.. But.. Dad..!?.. She stressed and paused looking at Abhi..

Krishna.. I will speak with him.. He will not be a hurdle.. Now quickly pack their dresses.. And make sure they don't come out of the house for anything.. I and Abhi will come there often to have a check.. Arjun said..

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