🌹Chapter 4🌹

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🌹Asher Dixon's P.O.V🌹

We soon arrive at the barn uncle Merle was talking about.

Once we get inside everyone sets their stuff down and then the adults start a fire that everyone huddles around.

After about thirty minutes of sitting by the fire talking to everyone I notice Carl sitting in the corner by himself.

I decide Carl could use some company so I ditch the adults to talk to him.

"Hey kid why are you over here all by yourself?" Carl looks at me rolling his eyes not arguing about me calling him a kid anymore. "I just like being alone." He mutters.

"But it's cold over here and you're still wet come by the fire and warm up with us." I say a bit concerned. "I said I like being alone besides I'm not cold." He says but I can see him shivering.

"Fine if you won't come over to the fire with me I'll just come over here with you plus I have something that'll warm you up." I say as I walk over to my bag and pull out my pastel pink hoodie with a red rose on the front.

I walk back over to Carl and say, "Put this on it'll warm you up."

"I'm not cold." Carl says. "Kid just put on the hoodie you're shivering you're clearly cold." Carl takes the hoodie and reluctantly puts it on.

"Now isn't that better." I say looking at him in my hoodie. You can clearly tell the hoodie is made for someone at least twice his size. Since it's supposed to fit my muscular 6' 2" frame Carl's much smaller slim frame drowns in it. The bottom of the hoodie goes below his knees and it gives him massive sweater paws. It's honestly one of the cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Yah it does kinda help so thanks I guess." Carl replys. "Anytime kid." I say smiling still admiring him in my hoodie while I sit next to him.

"So what's with the rose?" Carl asks.

"Oh roses are my favorite flower. I like them so much because they are a symbol of love. The different colors of roses also mean different things like red means love while blue means mystery." I say getting a bit excited because I get to talk about something that genuinely intrigues me.

"That's actually really cool." Carl says with fascination.

"One more thing about the rose that I think is like a metaphor for life is that even though the rose is so beautiful it still has thorns that can hurt you just like pretty much every thing in this world." I say thinking about how the world works.

"I didn't know you could be so poetic Rose Thorn." Carl says with a look of wonder in his eyes.

"I have my moments kid and wait a minute did you just call me Rose Thorn?" I ask while Carl blushes. So cute I think.

"U-uh well you always call me kid s-so I thought I could give you a nickname and s-since you like roses so much and you can be delicate like a rose but you could also be tough like t-thorns I thought Rose Thorn would work b-but if you d-don't like it I don't have to call you it." Carl says stuttering alot and becoming a darker shade of pink. It's honestly adorable seeing his "tough guy" facade disappear and be replaced with this cute, shy, stuttering mess.

"Shh kid I think Rose Thorn is cute and I'd be more than happy to have you call me that." I say smirking. Carl is full on red at this point. "Are you sure?" He asks timidly. "Of course kid." I reply with a big smile.

"Hey kid can we be friends and not argue with each other every five minutes?" I ask hopefully. "I'd love that Rose Thorn." He says with a smile.

"So Rose Thorn can you tell me what all the different color roses mean?" Carl asks. My eyes light up "Really? Noone has ever wanted to know that." I say.

"Yah I think it sounds really interesting." Carl replys. "I'm glad you are interested Carl." I say grinning. God I've known this kid for a max of two days and I can already tell he's going to be the death of me.

After about forty minutes of talking about flowers Carl starts to rub his eyes and yawn. "You sleepy kid?" I ask.

"Yah a bit." Carl says with another yawn. "If you want you can use my lap as a pillow the ground can't be comfortable." I say.

"Are you sure?" He asks still timid. "Anything for you kid." I reply smiling. "Thanks Rose Thorn." He says tiredly. And with that Carl basically climbs on too my lap so that his entire body is on top of me. Not that I'm complaining.

He then grabs one of my arms and wraps it around him. I just go with it and start using my other hand to brush my fingers through his hair. "This is nice." He mumbles. And soon he's asleep.

Shortly after I fall asleep too now spooning him with one arm around his waist and the other letting Carl use as a pillow.

Author's note

So what did you think about chapter 4. This is a Valentine's special for you guys and I will still post another chapter on Sunday. Ok I know this maybe a bit ooc for Carl but it's a fanfic so don't come for me. Also there was a whole ton of Casher in this chapter. And it's a bit longer than my other ones. So happy Valentine's day you guys. Until next time love from

Roses with Thorns (Carl GrimesxMale!oc) a The Walking Dead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now