🌹Chapter 12🌹

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Look I know I promised this chapter to come out ages ago but I ended up being really busy even over summer.
Ok so now that we've established that I can't keep any schedule what so ever just know that you'll get a new chapter some time once every week.
Alright now on with the story

🌹Carl Grimes' P.O.V🌹 *le gasp*

Most of the Alexandrians looked between dad and Asher with a scared expression. I have obviously seen my dad do worse and I wasn't scared of Asher. If I was being honest Asher was hot when his dark side what he called it took over him.

He had first told me about his dark side after he shot that arrow towards dad because of how he was treating Aaron. I trusted Asher and I knew he'd never hurt me even when his dark side was in control. Asher walked back over to me and I handed him his stuff back.

Michonne had shown up at some point and Asher told her to take Rick to the intermarry. By this point Ron and the others had come outside. Asher took my hand and walked over to the group.

"The hell is wrong with everyone today, that's the second fight I had to stop in the span of less than an hour." Asher says annoyed.

"We were all down stairs in the kitchen when Rick showed up and confronted Pete about abusing Jessie then all of a sudden there was punches being thrown and they ended up flying out a window." Mikey explained. Zane and Emilio nodded along. Ron looked mad and sad then he suddenly looked at me with a fire in his eyes.

"It's because of your dad that this happened. It's because of your family that mine is messed up right now. My family is none of your business. IT'S ALL YOUR FAMILY'S FAULT!" He rambled and screamed at me.

Asher had already stepped protectively in front of me. All of a sudden Ron lunged for me and Asher.
Mikey tried to hold him back along with Zane and Emilio jumped in front of him. Asher had already leveld his crossbow at Ron's head ignoring everyone. I knew his dark side had come out again.

"Ron I was this close to killing Pete for what he did to Rick imagine what I would do to you if you even layed a finger on Carl." Asher said in deadly calm voice. Everyone went still including me. I haven't seen Asher's dark side take over this much before. It was like a demon had just stepped into Asher. Mikey took a step back and Zane brought Emilio away from being in the middle of Asher and Ron.

"Asher I'm fine see you can put your crossbow down now." I said trying to stop what might happen. Asher blinked and shook his head coming out of whatever mind state he was in. He lowered his crossbow and looked at me.

"You're right kid." He said kissing my forehead. Then he looked back at Ron and said "Don't ever try anything like that again or next time you'll end up dead. Don't fuck with a Dixon."

With that he took my hand and started to walk away. Ron went the opposite direction with Mikey following while Zane and Emilio followed us.

"Asher what was that I know you said you have a dark side and we saw it when you confronted Pete in the house but that was a whole other level." Emilio said trying to comprehend what happened.

"I'm sorry guys I don't know what just happened my dark side can be bad but it's never been like that before but when he tried to get to Carl it's like something snapped inside of me." He explained or tried to.

"Honestly Asher I was scared even though that rage wasn't directed at me but that doesn't mean I'm going to stop hanging out with you." Zane said with smile.

"I agree with Zane." Emilio said putting a hand on Zane's shoulder.

"Thanks guys now I kinda want to get home right now I've got a headache." Asher says with a smile. We all fist bump and go our separate ways. Me walking with my hand in Ashers.

🌹Cut to when Asher and Carl get back to their room🌹

Asher sits on the bed and pulls me to sit on his lap facing him. He starts to play with my hair and it seems to calm him down.

"Rose Thorn I'm not gonna lie but what happened earlier scared me a little too." I said quietly.

"I'm sorry I scared you kid I just don't know what came over me." He replied sadly.

"It's alright Rose Thorn." I say then I kiss him. He holds me close.

"All this fighting makes me think about how uncle Merle and dad would fight sometimes. Kid what were they like before I showed up?" Asher asks.

"Well they were pretty much the same as they are now but there is this one memory I remember about your dad...."


Mom had just died. Dad is somewhere in the tombs. Beth is watching Judith. I was in my cell crying. Suddenly I hear a knock at the entrance. I look up to see Daryl. I try to wipe my tears.

"Hey Daryl is something wrong?" I ask.

"No I just wanted to tell you something to get your mind off of things kid." He explains as he sits next to me.

"Alright." I say hoping it would help.

Daryl pulls out something from his pocket and hands it to me. It's a photo of Daryl, Merle, and a kid about 13 with dyed pink hair.

"Daryl who is that?" I ask.

"that's my son." He explains. "You have a son!" I exclaim. He nods.

"He was different from me and my brother but still like us in many ways. I taught how to hunt use a crossbow and knives while Merle taught him how to use a gun. He always wanted to act. He would dye his hair pink and not care what anyone said. You and him would be good friends." Daryl said happy to finally tell someone about his son.

"What happened to him?" I ask.

"Well right before the apocalypse he ran off. We couldn't find him before the apocalypse. But he's alive he's a fighter and one day we'll find him."

"If he's anything like his dad there's no way anything could happen to him." I say with a laugh. "Thanks Daryl this helped alot." I continue handing him the photo.

"Anytime kid." he responds and walks out.

🌹Back to present🌹

I finish the story and Asher hugs me tighter.

"I was the one who ended up finding you guys." Asher says with a smile.

"Those tracker genes are in you after all." I say with a laugh. Asher kisses me and pulls me to lay down. He pulls me to his chest and wraps his arms around me.

"Thank you for telling me that story. I love you kid." Asher whispers.

"I love you too Rose Thorn." I whisper back. With that we drifted to sleep.

Author's note

So what did you think of chapter 12. I honestly forgot how much fun it was to write this story. So this chapter was in Carl's pov what did you think of that. We got Asher's dark side coming at full force and even Carl was a little scared by it. We had #Casher. We had a flashback with Carl and Daryl bonding. What do you guys want to see next. I'd love for some feedback. Until next time love from

Roses with Thorns (Carl GrimesxMale!oc) a The Walking Dead StoryWhere stories live. Discover now