🌹Chapter 10🌹

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Ok so I'm sorry it took this long to update... again. Please forgive meh. I keep forgetting to write a new chapter. I hope what happens in this chapter will make up for it. Also warning there will be homophobic slurs said by Pete you've been warned. Ok on with the story.

🌹Asher Dixon's P.O.V🌹

We played video games for awhile. Everyone laughing and sharing stories. Even Carl was starting to open up a bit. Enid continued to look at Carl like he was a piece of meat. I know I'm gonna have to keep an eye on her. Zane also kept staring at me like a love sick school girl.

Sometime during the gaming session Ron told us Deanna was throwing us a party to welcome our group. I told him Carl and I would both be attending. I also got alot closer to Emilio. He told me about his family. I also told him about mine.

After a while Carl, Zane, Emilio, decided it was time to leave so we could get ready for the party. Zane and Emilio shared a house since they were both alone. They were clearly very close. I could also tell Emilio had a crush on Zane. They would be a cute couple. #Zemilio is my otp. Anyway as we walk into the living room Pete walks through the front door. I subtly step in front of Carl to protect him from anything that may happen.

Pete look at us, but mostly me, in disgust. "Why are you fags in my house still." Pete says. Oh if I had my crossbow with me there so would be a bolt in this guys face by now. I put my hands on my hips, so they're closer to my knives, and I make sure Carl and the others are safely behind me. That's when I show my dark side.

"Well us 'fags' are here cause Jessie invited us to hang out with Ron" I reply in my sassy voice. "You are not aloud to be friends with my son. You'll turn him gay like you." Pete says angrily.

"Well first of all Pete you can't tell who I can and can't hang out with. Second of all being gay is amazing. And third of all you can't turn people gay their born like that plus I wouldn't need to turn Ron gay cause he's already gay. So what are you gonna do about it hm? " I say with an eyebrow raise.

That's when Pete advices toward me. I take a throwing knife a throw it so it cuts his cheek but ends up in the wall behind him. Something similar to what I did with Rick and the bolt. Pete stops dead in his tracks and puts a hand to the cut. "You cut me!" He practically yells.

"Yah and I'll do it again." I say taking out another knife. "That was a warning shot if you ever threaten me and my friends or say homophobic things to them or me again the next knife will aimed for your eye and let me tell you I never miss. Remember this is the apocalypse I won't have any trouble killing you. Don't fuck with a Dixon." I say confidently.

Pete looks absolutely terrified. I walk past him to get my knife. "We'll see you at the party and I'll be bringing my crossbow cause I promised I'd show it to everyone." Pete just nods and all but runs away. I usher everyone outside.

Zane and Emilio look a mix between amazed and scared. Carl just holds my hand because he knows what I'm capable of. He saw what I did to his dad. I'm also a Dixon after all. "You ok kid?" I whisper to Carl. "Of course I am you protected me." He whispers back.

"What the fuck just happened?" Zane asked. "Well I wasn't about to let him say those things about us and my dark side kinda just took over." I say.

"Dude your dark side is savage and I like it." Emilio says. "Thanks man. So are you two scared of me now?" I ask

They look at each other. "Dude that shit was awesome of course we're not scared of you we've seen way worse anyway plus you were just standing up for us." Emilio says smiling. "Agreed!" Zane says. We all fist bump and head home.

🌹Time skip to party time🌹

Carl and I get ready and head to the party after a couple of hours of snuggling. I decided I'm gonna ask Carl out tonight. I'm dressed in a pink button down and jeans. Carl is wearing a black flannel and jeans. Carl also let me put his hair into a little ponytail. I also managed to convince dad and uncle Merle to shower and go the party too with the promise of a family hunting day. I grab my crossbow and we're out the door.

We get to Deanna's place and knock. Everyone is pretty much already there. We walk in and look around. Zane, Emilio, Mikey, and Enid are already here. They're sitting in a circle waiting for us and Ron. I see dad and uncle Merle are chugging beers. Typical Dixons. Carol walks through the door with cookies.

"Fuck yah cookies!" As I grab two for me and Carl. "Thanks Carol!" I say. "Anytime dear." She replys. She walks away and the Andersons walk in. Pete has a bandage on his cheek and I smirk.

"What's up Ron" I say. "Hey man this is my brother Sam." He says pointing to the kid next to him. Oh great children. I hate children they always fuck everything up. "Cool anyways the others are waiting let's go." I say. I grab Carl's hand and we sit in the circle with the others. Carl is sitting in my lap of course.

"So what do you guys want to do? " I ask. "What about never have I ever." Emilio suggests. Everyone likes that idea so we start playing with ten fingers. "Who starts?" Mikey asks. "I will." I say.

"Ok never have I ever been attracted to a girl." I say. Ron and Mikey put down a finger. "Carl you go next." I say. "Ok never have I ever kissed someone." He says. Everyone except Carl puts a finger down. "Mikey's next." I say. "Never have I ever had alcohol." Mikey says. Only I put down a finger. The game continues like that and I end up losing cause I've done alot of shit. Soon the party is over and it's time to leave.

I take Carl to a rose garden I had seen earlier. I'm gonna ask him out.

"Hey kid see these roses?" I ask. "Yah. What do these ones mean Rose Thorn?" Carl asks.

"Well they're mixed colored." I say taking one and putting it in Carl's ponytail. "So they mean you are everything to me." I finish. Carl blushes like mad. That's when I drop my crossbow from my right hand and grab Carl's waist with both hands bringing him close and kissing him passionately. The action is so sudden Carl's hat falls off but he doesn't care he just wraps his arms around my neck and kisses back just as passionate. After a few minutes of kissing I break away.

"Carl we haven't known each other for that long but I'm already in love with ya kid will you be my boyfriend."

"I love you too Asher and yes I'll be your boyfriend My Rose Thorn."

With that I pick Carl up and bring him to my lips for another kiss.

Author's note

So what did you think of chapter 10. This is probably my favorite chapter so far. It's over a thousand words and took me over an hour to write. #Casher has finally sailed! Asher also stood up to Pete what did you think of that. We also got more bonding with Asher and the other boys. We will actually probably see a family hunting trip with the Dixons in the future. I'm also going way off the storyline of the show from now on cause I can't be bothered to go back a watch seasons 5 and 6. Hope this chapter makes up for being late at posting again. Until next time love from

Roses with Thorns (Carl GrimesxMale!oc) a The Walking Dead StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang