Chapter 24 part 2

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Your P.o.V~
This is what she wanted...right?.. I clicked the fight option, then I charged at her and swung my fist, which she caught, then flipped me over her shoulder. "You gotta be faster than your opponent, so since this is gonna be your first time fighting, Imma try to go easy on ya." Sam placed me back down..-
I can't. . I couldn't bring myself into harming anyone. I clicked the spare button, Sam looked kinda mad, "c'mon.! Fight me!" "Um. . Ugh. . Aha!" I kept clicking the spare button, "I'll hurt you with kindness!. . If that makes any sense" Sam face palmed a little, and mumbled something, I looked at her confused, but shook it off. "Alright." Sam walked closer to me..-
"let's say either you or someone you care about was dying. Wouldn't you want revenge on that person.?" "I'll feel mad. ." "Then focus your anger into power." Sam walked around me, her magic, which was purple, surrounded my body, making me stand tall, and position myself- (To lazy to put description. Just imagine on how Goku is turning super sayin, yeh. Your basically in that position). Sam walked in front of me, "let your anger be your power." I nodded my head, "alright. Now let's try this again- but also, turn your emotions into power, not just anger, since this is just training. K?" I charged at Sam, quickly, but she managed to dodge, "Now, remember this, I'll try to be an easier opponent, but that won't mean that I wouldn't fight back, so always keep your guard up. Be prepared for anything at any time." I nodded my head again, Sam summoned lots of spears, which got me worried, the spears came at me, but a bit slowly, so I dodged with ease, but I sensed something behind me, as I turned around, it was Sam's spear.! And it was coming at me fast! I used my hands as shields, closing my eyes tightly, but when I re-opened them, I gasped a little. A red shield was right in front of me, but the shield was covered in cracks, and it was a really faint red. A spear was threw it, I looked down at it, and the spear almost touched my stomach, I heard a small clap behind me, the spear and shield disappeared, I turned around, and Sam was walking closer to me. "Told ya the magic was bound to be in you"
~412 words~
Sorry it's to short, I'm getting sleepy, and there might be slow updates, since things are getting in the way, and I'm just so lazy

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