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I was running.
The war.
Monsters vs humans. It was happening too quickly. In the distance. I could see a human. The King. His shinning golden amor, dirty blond hair, hazel eyes, and some facial hair. He was fighting with another monster. I couldn't see who they were, since a I got pushed away from my dad. The King killed the monster, then another one came, but he then killed that one too. Those two monsters didn't fight back. The two monsters turned to dust. My mom was carrying my baby brother, while my dad rushed us to run away from the battle. I turned my head back to look. But...
There was a loud scream.
A younger monster saw their, possibly parents. Dying. Those two monsters. The young monster kid, proceed to fight the King. 'They are totally a goner' I thought. 'They should have just ran away while they had the chance, live on with their life' but the ground started to shake, the ground making cracks as my family and I kept running, dodging swords and arrows
It happened to fast.
I turn back to look again. And it was the monster kid. They summoned magic and started stabbing the King rapidly from all the sides they were able to strike. The young monster showed no mercy.
And then it was like everything went into slow motion.
The humans were distracted on the King.
That they got stabbed by the monsters and died. Even innocent's that were not apart of it, since the monsters did a daring thing and moved it into the town. I tried looking for the young monster. When.

I heard a loud thump.

I looked towards my parents direction. But that was a mistake.

The young monster slashed at my chest with his sword. I screamed in pain. My eyesight getting blurry, as I dropped down as well. I looked at my parents eyes. 'He killed them....' I thought 'they didn't do anything wrong...' my baby brother started crying, the young monster grabbed him from my dead parents arms. I was so scared. "Please.." I spoke. Weakly. "A..at least..let him..l-l-live.." "I choose what a decide. Stupid human." And that was when I passed out from pain and blood loss. Letting the darkness consume me.

The Timeline Traveler. AU Sanses X Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora