Chapter 32

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Author's P.o.V~

WOAH WHAT?! (Y/n) and the rest of the Sanses were so shocked and confused, Levi can tell by the look on their faces, which he laughed at. Sam rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and leans back on the throne. "Thanks Ofrinda." "Woah woah I have so many questions!?" (Y/n) shouted, "yes. So I've heard. You're looking for Frisk." "Yeah! Frisk! And you're the Queen?! Why did the monsters keep saying!-" Sam then growled, annoyed that (Y/n) was shouting and wanted to ask so many questions.
Sam, at this point, saw (Y/n) as a child.
She was 'okay' with kids.
She hated humans.
So imagine a human child.?
Ofrinda quickly saw that Sam was getting more irritated by the second. "I will answer her questions" Sam mumbled a quiet 'thanks' while putting her helmet back on. "(Y/n) can stay here, the rest of you can fallow me as we go get Frisk" Levi spoke up, while pointing his thumb behind him. "Why can't we stay with the Dove. And you go get Frisk. Or we all go.?" "Because." Sam started, standing up "what Ofrinda and (Y/n) say will be in between them. And o n l y them." Sam finished. G growled but fallowed Levi anyways, then Blue, then Qt. Sam looked towards Ofrinda and (Y/n), "well. Hurry up and ask your questions—" "Sam. Please." Sam huffed in response and crossed her arms. (Y/n) stayed silent for a while before deciding to speak up.
*Where is Frisk?*
What?? Weird. (Y/n) thought.
"Levi is bringing your friends towards Frisk, he is in his room"
*Why haven't I been able to see Frisk?"
"Frisk is now the ambassador of monsters, he is really important to us, by him, we can have peace"
*Can he come back and live with me?*
"Well—" "No." Ofrinda and (Y/n) looked towards Sam, "Frisk is to important. There are humans that do not like monsters. And would hurt or blame him. If he wishes to live in the human territory. He must be accompanied by a monster at all times."
*Who would be with him? And would they be all be able to live with me?*
"Alfred and I would be with him. But you would need to wait for a few more weeks. And he would not be able to live with you. Only visit for as much as he wants, but at then end of the day. He will come back here." "Well..I could live with that" (Y/n) said, smiling widely. Ofrinda smiled gently and looks over at Sam, "It wouldn't kill you if you smiled a little" "I'm smiling under the helmet" Sam said, sarcastically. Ofrinda sighed sadly, and she mumbled, "you haven't been the same since.." but (Y/n) was able to hear it, so, she asked another question.
*Ofrinda, If Sam and Levi are siblings—wolf and skeletons—are..would it be weird—..are you their parents?
"No, I am not, but I raised them as if they were my own"
*..since Sam is the oldest..and is the Queen..her parents were rulers as well..but..what happened to them?*








*Silence filled the room*








"Don't speak about my parents. Human. You have no right to. And. I think it's about time you left." "Wait! I'm sorry! Is it a sensitive-" "SILENCE!!" Sam was enraged, she summoned her spears all around (Y/n). (Y/n) then widened her eyes in fear and shock. She has determination to come back. But that doesn't mean the pain wouldn't be there.

~600 words~

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