Chaper 31

145 10 0

Author's P.o.V~

All the four went out of the shop and walked around, "you have to admit, this is pretty amazing" all the Sanses agreed, even though the town was still being built, the sight was amazing, it was perfect for every season. Also to mention that they will be able to have an amazing view of the sunset and the stars, they even had a forest near by! "C'mon, we gotta stay focused for Ofrinda" "Right G!—oh look! Over there!" They all looked where Qt was pointing, there was a bakery made of smooth stone and on top of it was in birch-wood sign named 'Toriel's Bakery'. There was a purple bunny sitting near one of the big windows, sitting on a stool next to some other monsters, so they were going to see if that bunny was Ofrinda. As they walked closer, they can see that her fur was a bit darker, and the dark parts on the tips of her fur started turning lighter until it turned white. So she's an elderly, she look pretty young to me, but why did the Shopkeeper suggest we try finding her? (Y/n) questioned to herself. As they walked in, a small jingle of a bell was heard, the monsters looked over at (Y/n) and . .

They all continued to mind there own business.

The bunny, however, kept her glance, she stood up and walked out of the bakery. "That can be her. Let's go." G suggested, but before (Y/n) can say anything, the Sanses were off. ..I don't think 3 skeletons and a human should be chasing after an elderly monster bunny.. But, she went after then anyways, the Sanses were after what can be Ofrinda, and (Y/n) was chasing the Sanses. "Excuse me! Are you Ofrinda?" Qt questioned, "why, yes, I am Ofrinda" She had a sorta british accent, but her voice was kind, caring, and warming to any child speaking to her. She then turned around to look at all of them, she had green eyes, and was wearing a grey skirt with a grey shirt that had a u-neck and was tucked inside her skirt. "Will you be able to tell us where Frisk is? And please don't say 'Ruler's orders', for the Dove" G asked, and motioned his hand towards (Y/n). Ofrinda just smiled kindly. "What's your name my dear?" "(Y/n), I'm Frisk's sister, please, tell me where he is" "Hehehe! Of course! Follow me" Ofrinda then started walking away, the others following behind her, "do I bring my car?" "It is not that far, but if you've seen a bridge and a big house, that is where we'll be going" "Thank you for helping us! But..will you get in trouble? How do you know this?" "My dear, your question will all be answered soon, just be patient, heheh"

~A walk later, brought to you by Ofrinda~

"Here we are!" Ofrinda announced, opening some pretty big wooden doors, "The Ruler wanted it to seem like a castle" They where all shocked, outside seemed like a mansion, but inside seemed like a castle. Red carpet leading to a thrown. The floor made of clear/white tiles that where so clean, you can see your surroundings. The roof and pillars where colors in Royal Blue, while the walls where white. There where big windows that had a weird shape in the middle. The thrown was made of gold, a few diamond and silver ovals decorate the top, emerald and ruby ovals decorated the arms rests, top to bottom in a straight line, big ovals to small ones, and a red cushion was on the seat. But their state in shock and awe ended when a sound of metal hitting against each other got louder. "Ah, seems like the monster you where looking for has arrived" "But why did you bring us here? Is Sam here? And is that the Ruler coming?!" "Sshhh! Show your respect, please!"

Then an armored figure walked in, their backs faced to them. The armor had three holes, two of them was for the brown, big and pointy ears, while the other was for the brown tail. All of them bowed down, expect Ofrinda, she walked towards the Ruler and spoke, "They are looking for Frisk" The Ruler spoke in a hush tone "Yes, they came to me, since the others—" . . . The Ruler then sat down on the thrown, a golden crown decorated with diamonds was on their head. The armor seemed to be like a Knight's, but there was only one hole for the eyes, but their eye was closed.

Levi then walked in, "who is it?— oh hey (Y/n)!!" Levi exclaimed, smiling, while the Ruler seemed to be..pinching the bridge of their nose?? Levi then looked over at the Ruler, "you can show yourself, you know? We met them before" "oh? We have?"

"Yeah. We have." A gruff but female voice spoke up. She then took her crown and helmet off showing...

The Ruler is a girl

And it's SAM?!

~849 words~

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