14 [Rules for seduction ]

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Hoseok's side

Hoseok's first thing in the morning, one hand up against the shower wall while the other is steadily stroking through his wet hairs. Hot Steam water hovering around him, his hair wet and sticking to his face. Eyes shut tight as he gets into his thoughts , small whines escaping between his teeth biting down on his lower lip.

He came back from the shower wearing a towel in a slight way on his hips. He brushed his wet hair back with the back side of his palms.

He looked at his messy bed where a unknown girl is lying . He doesn't even know her name. They met yesterday at the bar and ended up here.

He doesn't know what makes him restless these days that he ended up going bar .

He takes his outfit to get ready for office and left the room.

_            _              _

Era's side

"Era,gets up. It's time to go to office ' mom says as she tugged my blanket away from me.

I groans in irritation. 'Mom I don't want to go'I bring back the blanket again over my body.

'Okay ,sleep as much as you can if you don't want Hoseok to fall for you than I can't do anything else' mom says before getting up from bed.

My eyes flutters open by the name of Hoseok .

'MOM! Wait' I screeched while taking my lazy ass out of bed.

Mom smirked ,' Now I can see that boy has magic on you ,you are ready to do anything for him,huh?' She pinched my cheeks smiley.

I blushed and hide myself into her shoulder.

'Okay,now stop blushing and get ready for makeover.

'What makeover ?' I asked

'For seducing Hoseok ' She winked at me.

She takes me to a beauty parlour and orders them_

A new stylish haircut

Trending clothes

A final touch to my eylashes , light soft makeup.

From makeup to getup everything is new to me.

Before sending me to office she gave me a list of seducing tips .

' Always talk sweet to him . Don't make him irritate ,calls him oppa and praise him,show him your bright sight. Try to stay close to him. Not too close so that he won't be disturb. Give him wink when he watches you. Catch his attention when he is with others. Eat the foods what he likes and gave him lot of credits. Make him feel happy around you,he will fall for you . Show him how important he is to you,impress him with your ability and invite him to house and made lot of tasty foods for him , men always weak towards foods, to enter their heart you need to first enter their stomach, if a man fall for your handmade foods it's impossible to take her away from his life.' She finshed her lecture and I stared at her in utter disbelief.

'Mom!Is this how you seduced my dad!' She spanked me on my shoulder lightly chuckling.

We laughed together before biding her for office.

She waved me back ,'don't forget the first rule,'Temptation' She shouts and I tried to hide myself cause everyone was giving us a look.

I came at the office in a perfect time .

Everyone is looking at me with a amusement .

I feel so good.

Here comes Hoseok . Hot as usual . Wearing a blue denim jacket with a ripped light blue jeens.

' Why so Hot man! You are making me weak' mumbling myself I got ready to give him a surprise.

He smells so nice. I can tell it just by smelling, its so expensive cologne.

He looks at me finally while passing through. I slightly brushed my hair to the side showing a bare neck when he closely passing so he can see that clearly.

I saw him gulping as his addam Apple bobbing up and down.

'Yesss! It's working! He is feeling temptations! He is becoming weak! Thanks mom!'
I mumbled under my breath .

Now it's time for step 2!

~         ~         ~        ~

I'm nervous! Hixtape will release on March 2 ! My death is coming!

I love him so much! I just want to hold his hand and forever ! He means the world to me ! Nobody can imagine how much i love him. It hurts,it hurts so much that he will never know how much i love him. 24/7 he is in my mind . Will he ever know someone out there love him that much !

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