Fixing a Hole (A Beatles Fanfic)

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I was surprised that my father actually had us all move to another city in England. We went from Cardiff, Wales to Liverpool now. How fantastic.

Liverpool isn't anything special. It's just a small town.

"Rita Smith! Go on outside and meet some neighbors! Because you sure as hell won't be hanging around here during the day light hours!" My father yelled out.

Well, duh dad. Why would I spend my time here all day?

My father spends the day taking care of Linda. Which is odd because it's always me who always has to take care of her.

"Alright, dad! I'm off!" I yelled back, grabbing my leather jacket as I walked outside.

My style is different, I guess you could say. I can dress up when need too but mostly I wear black and leather.

Leather is my favorite.

My hair style is curly and blonde. People always say I have the head of Marilyn Monroe. Whatever the hell that means.

I walked outside, looking at all the rows of houses I could try and knock on.

I decided to go across the street, to this wide, tan colored home.

I sighed, knocking on the door.

A tall man, that looks about my age, answers the door.

He scans me up and down.

"Do I know you?" He asked, smirking.

I put my hands in my pocket, "Nope. Just moved in. Me dad wants me to go and meet some neighbors." I shrugged.

The man nodded. "Ah.. Well, welcome to Liddypool, love. Where're you from?" He asked, leaning against the doorway.

"Cardiff." I replied.

He smirked, "Cardiff, eh? Well, what a downgrade."

He sticks his hand out to me, "I'm John. John Lennon."

I shake his hand, "I'm Rita. Rita Smith" I smiled.

John smirked again, "Rita? What a lovely name.."

I chuckled, rolling my eyes. "Thanks," I mumbled.

"How about you come inside?" He says, moving the door.

"Alright." I walk inside.

"Mimi!" John calls out.

"Come out 'ere! Meet the new neighbor!" He shouts.

"For gods sake, John! Stop yelling!" Mimi raised her voice, walking down the stairs.

Mimi instantly stared at me, "Hello, dear. I'm John's aunt. You can call me Mimi." She slightly smiles.

I nodded, "Lovely to meet you, Mimi. I'm Rita. I just moved here with me dad and little sister from Cardiff."

Mimi just nods, looking at me up and down.

She stared at me in disgust. "Boy, John.. She has your style, doesn't she? Let's just hope she doesn't act like ye." Mimi softly says.

I blushed.

"Aw, Sod Off..." John mumbled.

Mimi glares at John as she makes her way back up the stairs.

"Would you like to see my room?" He asked.

I shrugged, "Sure."

We run up the stairs as I followed him to his room.

"'Ere is it." He said as he plopped down onto the bed.

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