When I Get Home

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John walked me back to Ringo's place.

"Thanks for walking me home, John" I softly said.

John cringed, "Anytime, love."

I turned around and started walking inside, "But, please think about my offer" John said.

I turned around and smiled at him, "I'll think about it definitely" I winked at him as I walked indoors.

Ringo sat there on the couch, staring at me. "Where have you been?" He said.

"At the lake, John and I had a long conversation.." I said, walking towards him.

"So.. What happens now?" Ringo said.

I look at him closely as I notice his eyes are red and glassy.

"Have you been crying, Ringo?" I gently asked.

He looked away, "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself" He said coldly.

I sighed, sitting beside him.

I wrap one around around him as I hold him close, "Look, Ringo. I know it hurts that I've done this to you. I'm sorry that I've hurt you. But don't you dare think I used you" I said firmly.

Ringo just stared at me as he started crying again.

I held him closer, I'm done with crying men for one year...

I patted Ringo on the back, "I love you, Ringo.. But.. I love John more. You need to understand that I belong to him, basically. I had his son, not yours. I love you, but in a different way. I always will... What we had for 10 months was something special" I chuckled.

"And I'll never forget how much you've helped me out of the hole I had dug... I've healed, Ringo. It's time for you and I to let go..." I gently said.

Ringo sobbed, "I don't want to let go of ye so easily!" He held onto me tightly.

I smiled slightly, "We'll still see each other. We can still be close friends, Ringo. Just because John and I-"

"You're going to marry him, aren't you?" Ringo sadly said.

I sighed, "I think so, Ringo. You just need to understand the history John and I have together. We've lost our mum's, had children, we understand each other.."

"But I understand you!" Ringo cried.

I slowly shook my head, "You might, but you've never felt what we have felt. Besides, I don't want to pull you into this mess of mine any farther. Whatever happens, happens... I just hope you'll still be the shoulder I can cry on, just like I'll be the shoulder you can cry on.." I said, moving Ringo's hair to one side.

"I love your band's look, by the way." I chuckled.

Ringo chuckled slightly, "Our manager, Brian, changed our looks for us. Brian saw the group in Germany, I think we'll make it" Ringo said with confidence.

"Don't think, know." I said back.

"I think I'll leave tomorrow.. We can spend one more night in each other's arms" I softly said.

Ringo looked up at me, smiling, "I'd like that" He sniffled.



"Ringo, can you get Charles? I've got my things and Linda has her's!" I yelled through the house, waiting at the front door.

Ringo walks in, holding Charles. "I have him" He smiles at me.

"Your mum is waiting in the car" I said kindly.

Ringo nodded, as we all walked outside into the car.

"Thank you Elsie for everything, for looking after Linda and Charles. Just thank you for helping us" I smiled at her.

Elsie smiled back, "Of course, Hun! You're a very nice girl, John is very lucky. I'm sorry things didn't work out for you and Ringo" She said, causing Ringo to turn pink.

"It's quite alright, we're still friends" I replied.

I looked out the window, staring at Ringo's home.

The first home of Charles. Everything happened here..

Linda's 4th birthday, my birth, when Ringo and I got engaged... And when Ringo and I broke up. When John came home, when John begged..


"Mummy, where are we going?" Linda asked.

I smiled at her, "You'll see" I said, kissing her forehead.


"Ringo, would you..?" I pointed at Charles.

Ringo nodded, "Of course" He said, following me and Linda up to John's porch as Ringo carried Charles.

I took a deep breath as I knocked loudly on the door.

John opened the door, bed-headed straight up.

I smirked. Sexy...

His eyes widened, "W-What are you doing here?" He said, shocked.

I chuckled, "Is the offer still on the table?" I smiled.

John smiled widely, as he hugged me close. "Yes! Of course it is, come in, come in!" He said with glee, as we all walked inside.

"Is Mimi alright with this?" I whispered to him.

He nodded, "She's alright with us getting married, she thinks it's the right thing to do"

I smiled, setting my things in our room, "Good"

"I even bought a crib" John smiled, as he moved out of the way.

I gasped, "John, you shoulnd't have.." I said in awe, as Ringo set Charles in his new crib.

John smiled at me, "But I wanted too"

I chuckled, turning to Ringo.

Ringo looked sadly at me, I lifted his chin up. "You'll be fine, Ringo... I know you'll find a lovely bird for yourself." I kissed his forehead as he quickly pulled me in for a hug.

"I love you" He whispered.

I chuckled softly, "I love you too, Richard" I whispered back.

Ringo chuckled, letting go of me.

Linda ran up to him, "Bye, Ringo!" She said, hugging onto his leg.

Ringo smiled at her, as he knelt down to her. "I love you, Linda" He cooed.

Linda giggled, "I love you too, Ringo" She said as she hugged onto him tightly.

I felt John wrap one arm around me, like he always did, as he smiled at me.

"Welcome home" He whispered.

I looked up at John. "It's glad to be home" I softly said, as I kissed his lips.

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