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I was now in John's home, packing my one bag that I carried Linda's and my clothing in.

John leaned on the doorway, "Where are you going to go..?" He asked quietly.

I shrugged, "I'll ask this one friend, if he says no then I'm screwed" I admitted.

John sighed, "Who's the friend?"

I packed my last shirt, "Doesn't matter" I said coldly.

John sighed, I walked past him and ran upstairs towards Linda's room.

"Linda, darling, come on! We have to go now" I called my daughter.

Linda dragged her feet as she left the room, and looked up at me with her big blue eyes, pouting.

"Mummy, I don't want to leave daddy" She cried.

I knelt down to her, hugging her tightly. "I know, darling. I know. You can see him again, alright?" I said.

Linda just broke down and cried.

I heard John's footsteps walk up the stairs. Linda spotted him and ran into his arms.

"Please, don't make us leave, daddy! Please!" She begged.

My heart shattered to a million pieces, seeing my baby-girl cry so badly.

John held onto her tight, crying as well. "We'll see each other again, Linda. I promise. Just be good to your mother... I love you" He whispered.

Linda held onto him tightly, "I love you too, daddy"

I turned my head away, as I started crying.

"Come on, Linda" My voice wobbled, John looked at me in pain.

"Can I have an address for each of you boys so I can write?" I asked.

John nodded and handed me a paper with each address.

I smiled weakly, "Thank you" I whispered.

John kissed Linda's cheek, then he kissed my forehead.

He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing was said.

I nodded sadly, holding Linda's hand.

We walked towards the front door, where everything had happened.

I looked back, "Goodbye, John" I whispered to him, as he fell to the floor crying. 

I knew if I stayed to comfort him, we'd never leave. So I turned around with Linda and we walked out the door crying.

"Where are we going, Mummy?" She sobbed.

"We're going to Uncle Ringo's" I said.

Linda sighed and walked beside me, holding onto my hand tightly as she sniffled.



I walked up to Ringo's house, taking a deep breath as I knocked on the door.

Ringo opened the door and smiled widely at me, then his face filled with concern.

"Rita, have you been crying?" He asked.

I nodded sadly, he looked down and saw Linda's sad face as well.

"Please, come in" Ringo said, moving out of the way.

Linda and I entered his home.

"Oh, Rita! How lovely it is to see you again!" Elsie smiled at me, she looked down and saw Linda, causing her to smile more.

"And who is this beautiful girl?" She cooed.

Linda started crying, as she covered her face.

"I'm so sorry about her, Elsie. We've just gotten out of a bad situation, that has harmed us both." I said.

She nodded, "Understandable dear, do you want anything?" 

I shook my head, "No, thank you" I smiled weakly at her.

Elsie nodded and headed back to the kitchen.

"Come on, love. Let's go upstairs" Ringo kindly said, placing a hand on my back as we walked up the stairs.

Ringo guided me back to his room, I smiled weakly looking at his bed. Where we shared our first kiss..

"Ringo... I'm about to ask for a huge favour, and it's fine if you won't accept it.." I said.

Ringo nodded, looking at me with confusion.

"R-Ringo.. If it wouldn't be a bother... Could... Could Linda and I, perhaps, live with you?" I asked carefully.

Linda exited the room, crying even more. I sighed, looking down as tears fell from my eyes.

Ringo stared at me, "Are you sure, Rita? What about Jo-"

"It's over, Ringo.. John's going to Germany with his band for 10 months and I told him to go, so we broke up.." I cried.

I placed my bag on the floor, as Ringo hugged my tightly.

"I'm so sorry that happened, Rita" His voice echoed through my ears.

"But.. Don't respond to my favor yet.. Because I have other news, Ringo.." I said.

Ringo let go of me and looked at me oddly again.

"Ringo... I'm pregnant, and it's John's." I softly said.

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