For No One

349 10 4

3 Weeks Later

John and I walked home, holding hands.

I haven't been feeling like myself lately. Our relationship is doing swell, actually. We're healing together. We're just happy and in love. I'm ill at this moment, don't know what with, I just keep throwing up almost every chance my stomach has. John hasn't noticed, thank god. I think I know what it just might be, but I honestly don't want to accept that reality.

"JOHN!" I heard Paul call out.

John and I stopped walking, as we turned around.

Paul was running towards us, a huge smile was blasted across his face.

"John, you'll never guess what I found out!" Paul squealed.

John laughed at his excitement, "What's that, Paulie? Are ye finally queer?" 

I laughed.

Paul squinted his eyes at John, "No, I'm not queer... I'm with Dot, remember?"

John rolled his eyes, "Continue, Paul.." He sighed.

"Anyway, The Quarrymen have been invited to Hamburg, Germany to perform for a while!" He shouted with joy.

John's eyes went huge, "Germany? We've got a gig?!" He shouted.

Paul jumped, "YES! Pete can come, Stu can come, George can, I can, what about you?" He smiled.

John's smile disappeared as he turned to me.

"John, don't worry about me. I'm sure I can't co-"

"Of course you can, Rita! Dot's coming along with me! Come on!!" Paul begged.

I look back at John and leaned into his ear, "I can't go because I have Linda. It wouldn't be fair to keep her with Mimi all that time" I whispered to him.

John sighed, "Come on, love.." He turned to Paul.

"How long will we be there for?" John asked.

"About 10 months." Paul said.

My heart dropped, 10 months?! Damn, no! 

John's expression looked hurt and confused, "I don't think I can g-"

"He's going, Paul" I interrupted him.

Paul shouted with glee, "We're getting somewhere with our band, John! We're finally making it!" He shouted as he ran to the shadows.

John turned to me, his expression angry, "What the hell, Rita?! Do you want me to fucking leave?" He shouted.

I shook my head, "No, John. It's just an opportunity that you can not miss, darling!" I said.

John sighed, "We get these opportunities all the time, and I've said no to each one because of you!" He said coldly.

I gasped, taken back at his harsh words.

"You said so yourself, Love conquers everything! Why the hell doesn't that count now?" John yelled.

I sighed, "John, just go to them. Eventually you'll run out of these options, I'll be fine on my own, John.."

"Fine on your own?! Do you want me to leave you?!" He shouted harshly.

I gulped, "N-No, John.. I-it's j-jus-"

"It's just my dream.. I know, Rita. But I don't want to leave my girlfriend here for 10 fucking months all by herself, and leave me in Germany for 10 fucking months all by myself. By then I could've gotten a stripper pregnant, and married 'er!" He shouted.

Hot tears started to fall, Is that what he thinks of me? A stripper of some sort that he's gotten pregnant?

"Just go, John" I whispered.

"If I go, we're done" John sternly said, anger in his eyes.

I looked straight up at him, into his eyes, "Then I guess we're done.." I cried.

John's eyes widened, "F-Fine." His voice cracked, as his eyes became glassy.

"I want your things out of my house" He coldly said.

I nodded, walking towards his home.

"You obey people for so long, and just when somebody starts to love you.. You let them down" John said.

I turned around, storming back towards him.

I slapped his face, "John, you don't know anything about me!" I cried.

John grabbed my wrists tight, I winced in pain.

"You let people control you, Rita! You let people get into your minds, Mimi can look after Linda! We can do this! We can work it out!He cried.

"L-Let go of me, John!" I cried.

John pushed me away.

"What does it matter anymore, John?! We're over!" I harshly said.

Tears fell from John's eyes.

He shrugged, "Then I tried.." He cried.

I bit my lower lip, "I tried too, John." I cried, turning the other way.

I tried.


A/N: Honestly, I don't know/think the Quarrymen at the time went to Hamburg for 10 months, but again.. We can always pretend. :-p

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