She's Leaving Home

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John and I sat down in his living room.

"Um, before I start talking, do you think I can put Linda down for a nap? She was awoken.." I said awkwardly.

John nodded, taking Linda from my hands.

"One second" I stopped John.

"Linda, baby, be good. Don't be loud and all, you know the rules" I softly said.

Linda sniffled, wiping her tears, "Okay, Mummy" She softly said.

I smiled slightly, kissing her forehead.

I looked back at John, nodding at him for him to go on.

John took Linda upstairs, then came back down.

"Before we start, I want to show you something." John took my hand, guiding me outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

John smirked, "You'll see"


Eventually, we ended up at a lake.

It was already sunset.

"Wow, John. It's so beautiful here.." I said in awe.

John chuckled, as we sat down, "I know.. I come here to think and say whatever is on my mind" He said.

I smiled at him.

I sighed, "I guess it's time to tell you my story then, huh?"

"Spit it" He said.

I sighed again, "It all started when I was 14, and me mum died... How did she die?"

I took a deep breath, "She died because of my own father.. He hung her, and staged it like an attempt of suicide. I thought me mum killed herself for a long time, until I found her diary and it explained everything of how father was like to her, but not to me. I eventually asked my father for the truth, and he said 'yes, it's true'. For a 14 year old, that was pretty hard to know your own father killed her"

Tears starting forming in my eyes, "A year after me mum died, dad started acting strange and different. He started drinking more and doing drugs more, it was just killing him slowly. As I hit puberty, he...."

I gulped, "He kept saying how I look like my mother, how much of a resemblance my body and everything is to her. He kept calling me beautiful... One day I was asleep and he snuck into my room, there was a thunderstorm going on. He said he wanted to 'protect' me, as he went under the covers with me. I laughed saying, 'It's fine, it's just a storm' but suddenly he slid his pants off under the covers.. And h-he.."

I started crying, "He... Pinned me on my bed, taking my clothes off... And just started touching me and raping me, and he kept saying how much I looked like my mum, and how he loves me and all."

John looked at me in horror.

"He kept doing that, when he wanted to, or when I was bad... Eventually, he got me pregnant.." I looked up at John.

"I told him, and he didn't freak out. We just made an agreement, he'd be known as dad and the baby would be known as my sister. Because he knew he'd be thrown in jail.... People in Wales looked at me in horror... I was only bloody 15! Already pregnant and not married. What was I supposed to say? 'Oh, it's me father's!' As if!"

"But, John.. That baby I carried with me to your home today, Linda. She's my daughter... She's that baby that is also my father's..." I admitted.

John gasped, "Rita, I'm so sorry this happened to yo-"

"That's not it." I interrupted.

"The first day when I got here, and I went home late, my father gave me a warning. He treats me like a servant because it's as if I owe him. He's just a lazy pig, that I have to do his work for... This black eye?" I pointed to my eye.

"It was him. The second day I was late again and he beat me up."

"But, on the day you saw my father slap my ass? The night before he.." I cried more.

John scooted closer to me, wrapping me in his arms.

"You don't have to say it.." He said softly.

I looked up at him, "No, John. I have to.. I'll feel better" 

"The night before, he raped me. And I was able to run away this time because I've had enough of it. I finally stood up for myself, well.. Because of you, John." I said.

"You love me, and... Somebody finally does. It gave me the strength I needed.." I said.

John blushed.

"Sure, I could look tough outside my home. But in home? I'm an average wimp." I laughed.

John held his grip on me tighter, "You're not going back there.." He said.

"Well, where am I supposed to go?" I said.

"You can live with me" He said.

I looked up at him oddly, "You? Are you sure Linda and I won't be a bother?"

John smirked, "I'd love it if you stayed with us. I'm sure Mimi wouldn't mind.."

I smiled, "Thank you so much, John"

I kissed his lips.

"Anything for you, love" John smiled.

John and I sat there at the lake, watching the sunset in peace.

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