There's A Place

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Dear Rita,

How's the baby?

I'm sorry I haven't written to you in a few weeks, I couldn't find the time without John around. John and I have become a partner ship in writing music, you know. I heard RIngo and you got engaged, that's gear! You all are a beautiful family already.

I must go on now, we'll see you and the baby in a few months!


Paul McCartney xx

I smiled, holding Paul's letter close to me.

I was now 6 months pregnant, and obviously I was showing. I dropped out of school by 4 months. It's not because I was getting criticized but it wasn't far for Elsie to take care of Linda and soon the new baby. I have to take responsibility for my babies.

"New letter, eh?" Ringo smiled at me.

I chuckled, "Yeah, they haven't told me anything new actually. Just how they are happy for us and on our family" I smiled.

Ringo squeezed my hand, "Good, they should be happy." He smiled.

I took a deep breath.

"Are you alright, love?" Ringo asked, his eyes filled with concern.

I nodded, rubbing my stomach.

"Yeah, just a little nervous... I mean, not because of the birth, I've been there down that. It's because this is all new for us, Ringo. It shocks me how I am here and you stayed with me.." I admitted.

Ringo smiled sympathetically at me, "Of course, I'll always be there for you, love." He kissed my cheek.

"I've always wanted to be a father, so, it's perfect!" He chuckled.

I chuckled awkwardly.

It still doesn't seem real, being with Ringo. It feels like a dream that I'm engaged to Ringo and am pregnant. I still feel like I belong to John. That I should've told him, or that this shouldn't have happened.

Both of my babies were a surprise, but my children are brilliant. Sure, this isn't the life I wanted, but I'm making it. I have a family, a loving man, a home to live in, food.. I shouldn't be complaining. Yet, I miss him. John. I miss John so, so much. I wonder if he moved on..

"Ringo, would you mind leaving for a bit? Maybe take Linda to the park.. I-I'm going to write a letter.." I shyly said.

Ringo nodded, "Alright, love" He kissed my cheek and walked out the door.

I grabbed a paper and pen.

Dear Paul,


I'm excited to see this little Lennon soon, I'm also excited for you all to meet him or her. I want the gender to be a surprise. Shh.

I hope all is going well over there, making money? 

How is John though, has he moved on? I'm just curious, you know how I get with these things.

Everything is so new, this home and life. I miss him dearly.

Take Care,

Rita Smith xx 

I sighned the letter and sealed it. 

"Erm.. Rita? I could mail that for you?" Ringo said, causing me to jump.

He chuckled.

"Yeah, sure. Then we could all go to the park?" I suggested.

He smiled, taking the letter. "Sounds good"

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