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There are cameras everywhere, taking shots of me even if I'm still inside. As I step down the limo, all the paparazzi make their way towards me. Too many microphones, too many flashes, this is so overwhelming. I almost forgot what it feels like to be in the spotlight again. But I've never received this so much attention before. I walk down the red carpet and all the fans are screaming my name. The cheers are deafening. I want to cry out of pure joy but I don't want to be known as the girl who cried at her movie premiere. I go to the fans who are screaming. I take pictures with them and sign a few posters.

Afterwards I approach my co-stars who are waiting for me. We all exchange quick hugs and pecks on the cheek as we all pose for the camera. Four years ago, I was only known as the girl who gets movie contracts because her parents are famous. But now, I've earned a name in the industry. This might be my biggest movie yet, and this was made purely out of my hardwork, courage and determination. I might be the happiest person alive today. I hope I make everyone proud, especially my family.

Oh great, time for screening! We all make our way to the movie theater. I take my seat in the front row next to my fellow actors. I can get used to this. Red carpets, autograph signing, movie screening. This is fun. This is my thing. This is everything.

School For FameOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora