Chapter 2: Catching Up

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"Kriss! Nate! Omg I missed you guys!" I exclaimed as I ran to them and gave them a bear hug.

"Wow, Wesley, suddenly so soft!" Kriss joked. Yeah, I'm known to be a bitch sometimes, but once you get to know me, I'm pretty okay I guess. I mean, I still think there are worse people than me.

"So what's up?" Nate asks. "Anything awesome that happened to you guys lately?"

"Okay so I uh...." Kriss started.

"C'mon Stuart spit it out." I say.

"Yeah tell us!" Nate added.

"Okay so...." Kriss paused, for dramatic effect I guess. "I got 2 indie films coming up!!! Yiiiee!!" Kriss started jumping up and down and the other students started looking in our direction.

"Woah woah calm down, K." I said. I couldn't be anymore happier for Kriss, she deserves it! She's been in the industry since she was 9 for heaven's sake!

"Details, now." Nate commanded. I can tell he's happy for Kriss as well.

"Ok so my mom's working on two new movies and she talked to the producers and they were all cool if I starred in both of them! So remember when I went to Aussie for vacation?" Nate and I both nodded. "So while I was there the producers asked me to read the scripts. So for some damn reason they loved me, and now I got the parts. Shooting starts in a couple of weeks." Kriss explained.

"Wow, Kriss, I'm so happy for you!" I told her.

"Yeah, but you better invite us to the premiere!" Nate said.

We all laughed at that. We all know that only certain people can be invited to movie premieres and those are usually the A-Listers who belong to the major league part of the business.

"Hey Nate what about you? Anything interesting?" Kriss asked. Kriss is usually the shy type, she always finds a way to get the attention away from her, though she can go crazy and wild at times, especially when she's happy. But typically, she prefers to stay away from the paparazzi and the spotlight. Ironic for an actress, I know.

"Well, my show got picked up for a second season, is that interesting enough?" Nate said.

Ok so apparently both my friends have something in the industry and I still don't. I would be lying if I said that I'm not jealous of them. I envy them, a little bit. But they're my friends, my best friends actually, so I'm proud of them as well. I might as well be their number 1 fan. And I know that I'm gonna get a contract someday. Maybe not now, but soon.

"Hell yeah!" Kriss says as she gives Nate a fist bump. I give Nate a fist bump as well.

"Ok guys that's enough. I appreciate it." Nate said as he looks towards me.

"How about you Jess? Anything to share?"

Both he and Kriss stare at me expectantly.

"Well, I haven't gotten anything yet, to be honest." I whispered as I looked down in embarassment.

"Oh Jess don't be ashamed! You're gonna get another movie!" Kriss assured me as she wrapped her shoulders around me.

"If you want I can give my other film to you!" Kriss said.

"What? No fucking way Kriss, those are your movies. I wouldn't take those opportunities away from you. Besides, if I'm gonna get another contract, I want it to be by my own work and without my parents' or anyone's help. Does that make sense?" I told her.

"Yeah, it totally does. I get your point, really. You know what I don't have? Your guts. That's why I get every chance I get. I do hope I can also do what you wish for Jess. Get a contract by myself. Looks like we both have that on our bucketlist. At least Nate here manages to get it." Kriss replied.

"Well yeah, but even if I scored my own TV contract, both of you guys are still more famous than me so...." Nate said with a soft chuckle. "Anyways, Jess, you're gonna be big, I swear." Now you see why I love these two so much. Everything they say makes me have a smile on my face. The bell suddenly rings. Time for homeroom. The three of us rush to our room and we take our seats. Whew, we're just in time. Ms. Williams enters the room and greets us.

"Alright class, before we start, I would like to introduce a new student. She came from ITW amd I think some of you might already recognize her as she had a new movie released recently."

Whispers were exchanged around the room, most probably speculating who this new student is. Before I make my guess Ms. Williams resumes her speech.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to Julianne Lafferty."

A tall beautiful girl with blonde hair lighter than mine and bluish gray eyes enters the room with a smile. She looks like a model. Her face is coming back to me.....Oh, I have seen her before! She's in "Mystic Island", the movie about a crazy young girl living by herself in an island full of wild animals. Well, she's one hell of a great actress. She seems pretty nice too. I sneak a glance at Kriss who's at my left. She seemed to be familiar with Julianne too. I look at my right to see Nate's reaction. Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh. Nate's mouth is shaped like a gigantic O! Oooh, looks like someone's got a crush!

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