Chapter 3: Julianne Lafferty

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"Dude, seriously, flies can enter in there. Close your mouth. You're being too obvious." I whisper to Nate. He suddenly closes his mouth, but there's still a clear look of admiration on his face. I can see the other guys are giving looks at Julianne too. Oh oh.

"Obvious of what?" Nate mumbles innocently. I turn to him. Seriously? He can't fool me! We've been friends for 3 years. I know he likes Julianne.

"Obvious that you like her!" I whisper back to him.

"I don't like her!" He fights back.

"You do!"

"I don't"

"God, you're impossible!"

"Would you both shut the hell up?" Kriss hisses at us. "Jess, stop pressing him in. Nate, it's really obvious you like her. And you've got competition."

Nate and I were about to say something at her but Ms. Williams started talking again.

"Now Ms. Lafferty, if you would kindly-"

"Excuse me, Miss?" Nate asked as he raised his hand. Oh gosh, what is this boy up to?

"May I use the restroom?"

Ms. Williams looks at him, slightly annoyed, but then she sighs.

"Of course, Mr. Harrison." Nate exits the room. Ugh, that coward! Of course he wouldn't want to make a fool of himself while Julianne is talking in front. An idea suddenly popped into my head. I smile to myself and laugh quietly. It looks like I'm gonna play match-maker. And I'm making sure I succeed in this.

"As I was saying, Ms. Lafferty, if you would kindly tell us something about yourself..." Ms. Williams started again.

"Oh, Ms. Williams!" I raise my hand. Kriss stares at me, wondering at what I might do. Ms. Williams seems annoyed that she was interrupted, again.

"Yes, Ms.Wesley?"

Okay Wesley you can do this. I begin talking. "I was just thinking that since Nate was in the restroom...and some of the students are not yet around, maybe we should introduce ourselves first, so that Julianne here..."

"Oh please, call me Jules." Julia-Jules said. Thank God, Julianne sounds so formal to be honest. I continue again.

"So that Jules will be known to the others who will still arrive." I smile at Ms. Williams. Smiling usually works. I tend to be a teacher's pet at times. Ms. Williams nods at me.

"Fair point made, Jess. Well then, since this is your idea, why don't you start?" Hell yeah! Wesley strikes again!

"Of course." I approach Jules who's standing in front and we shake hands.

"Uh hey, I'm Jessica. You can call me Jess. I gotta say, I'm a huge fan of Mystic Island..."

"Oh thank you so much! I have to say, you were amazing at Isabella!" She watched it?! Oh shit, I love this girl.

"Really? Thanks!"

"Girls, you are introducing yourselves, not admiring each others' films."

Jules and I mumble our apologies and smile sheepishly at each other. The only reason I brought up the Mystic Island thing was so I can stall for time. Don't get me wrong, I really love the movie, but I can always bring it up at lunch time. But I need to make sure that Nate and Jules will have a conversation before homeroom is over. So I continue to prolong my introduction.

"Yeah so anyways, aside from acting I read books, play the piano and I sing a little."

Nate enters the room and looks at me, confused, as he went back to his seat. Kriss whispers something to him, probably what I'm doing.

"Okay that's about it," I say, "Nice meeting you Jules."

"Nice meeting you too."

Ms. Williams speaks. "Okay, Jess, who would like to introduce next?"

The answer was crystal clear."I like Nate to go next!" I answer a little too joyfully.

"Alright, Nate, proceed to the front and introduce yourself to Jules." Nate glares at me as I take my seat.

"I see what you're doing there." Kriss tells me. "I'm in." I just smirk at her and give her a fist bump. Now Nate's gonna talk. I'm praying he won't screw up.

"Uh..hi..." Oh no...

"Hey." Some people are snickering now. Shit.

Nate clears his throat once more.

"Hi Jules. My name's Nate. I'm currently in the TV show Best Buds, I don't know if you've heard that but..."

"I have actually," Jules said. "I recognized you as I entered the room."

"Oh that's great!" Nate replied, gaining confidence. This is progress....Kriss and I beam at each other.

Nate continues. "Anyways, do you wanna hangout sometime? Maybe later at lunch?"

What. Everyone's staring at them now, even Ms. Williams. Where the fuck did that come from?? Nate must really like her. Gosh, Jules please say yes. Pretty please.

"Yeah sure!" Jules replies.

"Okay Nate that's enough, pick the next person." Ms. Williams says. Apparently the introduction turned into flirting. Nate picks Kriss and she and Jules talk. They also have a lot in common. After some time everyone already introduced themselves to Jules, then the bell rang. Ms. Williams instructs us to get our schedules in the Main Hall and they will be effective after lunch. For the mean time we can go around campus and bond with our friends. College building is still off limits during school hours. Ugh, I can't see Drew. That's the sad part of dating a college boy. We all say goodbye to Ms. Williams and leave the room.

Now Kriss, Nate and I walk to the Main Hall, talking about Nate's brave moment. We line up to get our schedules. The line's pretty long so we're just chatting. Jules is at the other line talking to the other transfers from ITW.

"Nate seriously, I salute you! I never knew you had it in you!" Kriss said.

"Yeah Nate! I practically ship you guys now. I even made a couple name: Lafferson." I say.

"Omg that's a good one!" Kriss says and we high-five.

"I know right!"

"Um guys? We're not dating." Nate tells us.

"Yet!" Kriss and I say at the same time. We all laugh. Bzz bzzz.....oh someone's calling me.

"Hey guys.." I look at them. "Save me in line? I need to take this call."

"Yeah sure." Kriss says.

"Of course." Nate added.

I go to an empty corridor and pick up the phone. It's my manager, Lisa. She manages all my projects and movie schedules.

"Hey what's up?" I ask.

"I've got something for you."

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