Chapter 4: The Secret

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What could this be? Oh I hope it's a movie audition...please let it be a movie audition. Curiosity is killing me so I ask Lisa immediately.

"You found a movie I can audition for?"

"Not a movie, really." Lisa replies. If this ain't a movie then what could this be?

"Then what is it?" I ask then.

Lisa pauses for a moment before she answers. "It's Broadway. They have an opening for this musical 'Live It Out' and they're looking for young actresses who can sing for the lead part."

Broadway. Broadway. Is she crazy?! I said I was looking for movies, not musicals. But I have to be honest, I'm a huge Broadway fan, but I never thought of the possibility of being in one. It never crossed my mind, like, ever.

"Lisa, I only sing as a hobby, not professionally." I try to reason out.

"Yes and you excel in that hobby Jess."

"Well, I want to audition but..." I started, but I can't find the right words to state the real reason why we both know I can't pursue this career track.

"But what? Is this about your dad again?"

"C'mon, you know my dad's not into the whole theater thing. He thinks it's for amateurs."

"Yeah, but it's not like you have all the time in the world! You know that once you don't get anything in 3 years you're going back to ITW. We have a deadline. Maybe your dad will see this and allow you to head to Broadway."

"He can't change his principles that easily."

"Oh screw your dad! Don't involve him in this shit!"

"Um may I remind you? He hired you. He practically pays you."

"Oh. Right. Of course. I know, but this is your career, not his, so he can't stop you from auditioning in a Broadway musical that I know you've been obsessed to star in since you watched 'Libertè'...."

"Excuse me, I'm not obsessed with Broadway."

"But you do love Broadway right?"

I sigh, defeated. "Yeah, I do. But I still pick Hollywood any day."

"I know that. But this is your chance. I mean, it's just an audition right? Please tell your dad. And convince him." Lisa pleads. Yeah, she tends to be tenacious from time to time...well more like all the time.

"Okay, fine. I'll talk to my dad when I get back from school. But I'm not making any promises, clear?"

"Yeah I know. Goodbye Jess!"

"Bye Lisa."

I hang up. Okay so here's the thing. When I was 12, we had a family vacation in New York during Christmas. My mom took me to watch Liberte, the new hit musical during that time. Dad took Peter and Zach ice skating. So after watching I realized that I actually love Broadway and started singing all the Broadway hits. After Christmas my mom went back to Aussie and my dad, brothers and I home to L.A.

One day my dad heard me singing a Broadway tune so he asked me where I learned it. I told him that Mom introduced me to Broadway. I even mentioned to him that I want to star in my own musical someday. Then he got mad at me. He said that Broadway was for amateurs, for people who couldn't make it huge in the big screen. He said that I already have a name in Hollywood, so why head to Broadway? It didn't make sense to him. Being 12 at that time, I agreed with him, and my dad made me promise to not go to Broadway. And being stupid me, I did make that promise.

That didn't stop me from watching Broadway though. Every time I visit Aussie I watch musicals with my mom at the Sydney Opera House. At least she understands. We consider it our own little secret. I also keep a stash of all the albums, records and booklets of the musicals I've watched in a box that I left at our house in Sydney. I've also watched plays in Europe, and I still head back to NYC from time to time to watch Broadway, sometimes I tag Kriss along. She likes Broadway too.

Oh yeah, and it's not just Broadway. Since I'm not allowed for musicals, I asked my dad if I can have a singing career. He said yes, but gospel. What the hell? You see, my dad's religious, so he doesn't allow any other genre of music at the house. Rock, pop, not allowed. But my favorite songs are all rock and roll! Kriss and Nate love rock, so I learned to appreciate the genre from them. So you still think my dad's cool? I respect him, and love him, but I wish he wasn't so uptight all the time.

So Broadway, rock...what else? Gritty movies, dark movies, porn, sex...yeah I'm a virgin...can't have sex till I'm 21. So yeah. That's my life. Trying to get a movie contract that's gonna please my dad, watching musicals in secret, listening to rock and roll without my dad's knowledge and trying to maintain a stable relationship with my boyfriend without sex.

I go back to the Main Hall, thinking about Lisa's words. She's right. I don't have much time to look for a contract that pleases my dad. And this is my life, not his. He can't control me. Kriss and Nate wave at me.

"We already got your schedule. We have 6 classes together." Kriss said as she hands me the paper with my schedule.

"Thanks Kriss." I say, in my monotone expression.

"Hey what's wrong?" Kriss asks, worried.

" it about that phone call?" Nate asks me. I just nod. Both of them were about to probe me with questions but then there was an announcement:

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your principal speaking. There will be a general assembly in the auditorium right now. After receiving your schedules, please proceed to the venue immediately. Thank you and have a nice day."

"I'll explain everything later at lunch." I tell Kriss and Nate as we head to the auditorium.

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