Chapter 7: The Disagreement

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AN: Hi guys! Sorry for the delay in the update! I've been busy with the Student Council Elections which were held last week so hopefully I can update every week from now on. Hope you enjoy my story and keep reading xx

I enter our home and see my dad on the couch reading something that seems like a script. I approach him and say hi. He turns to look at me with a serious expression on his face. What the hell did I do this time? Don't tell me he already knows about the Broadway thing.

"What's up?" I ask shyly.

"So how was your date with Drew?" He asks me, still serious. Wait, I'm confused. My dad's angry because I went out with Drew? So I reply.

"It went great...but how did you know I was-?"

He cut me off mid-sentence and got his phone which was beside him. He tapped something and handed me the phone. Here's what I saw.

Jessica Wesley and her boyfriend Drew Sutter Out and About in LA!

Of course reporters saw us. It was normal for me and Drew. No big deal.

"Yeah so we're on the news. It's not like it's the first time we went out publicly." I tell my dad.

"Yes but as I'm aware your body guards called me up and informed me that you refused to be accompanied." Dad explains.

"Gosh it's just one time Dad! I really need freedom sometimes. I want to be normal too you know."

"But you're not! You're a celebrity now, and you can't change that! So if I were you, make sure you have someone with you everywhere you go, and book an audition as soon as possible so you won't get kicked out of SFF, understand?"

I nod briefly then speak up. Looks like I have to tell my dad about the call now just to change this freaking subject.

"Yeah about booking an audition..." I start. Dad seems to be interested all of a sudden, and urges me to continue.

"Well Lisa called this morning..."


"And she said that she got me an audition." I finished.

"So when is this audition?" Dad asks.

"I don't know yet. I have to ask for your approval before I audition though."

"And why is that?" Okay, here it goes. I clear my throat and say it.

"Because it's Broadway." I say, looking him in the eye.

"Broadway?" He asks me.


"Jess, what did I tell you about Broadway?"

"I know, I know! But it's like I don't have a deadline!" I reason out.

"Are you trying to tell me that you're not good enough to find a movie audition in a span of a month?" Dad questions me, obviously annoyed now.

"What? Of course that's not what I meant!"

"Then find a movie audition."


"No buts!" Ugh Dad is so fucking impossible. I roll eyes and rush up the stairs. I hear my dad call my name out but I go to my room and shut the door. I lie down on my bed and get my phone out of my pocket. I go to my contacts list and select Lisa's name. I tap the message icon then typed "I'll go to the audition." then I hit send.

My dad will never know. And there are times that I should be bad-ass for once. And this is the perfect time. Lisa replied with a simple Ok. So that's settled. Wow. What a great first day. I lie down on my bed and drift off to sleep.

Another day. Now I'm in the car with Drew off to school. I didn't even say goodbye to my Dad. He was too busy talking with his director anyways. And I just can't afford to speak to him now. I tell Drew about our argument. And the bold decision that I made. He paused to look at me.

"Hey keep your eyes on the road!" I exclaim. God, the last thing I want is dying.

"Right, sorry." Drew says as his eyes dart back to the road.

"So yeah, your dad's gonna be mad as hell if he finds out. But that was really brave Jess. I likr brave." That last statement made me blush.

"We're here." He announces.

We both get out of the car and say our goodbyes. Now I'm walking towards the high school building. Kriss and Nate are walking towards me.

"Hey you nervous?" Nate asks.

"Huh? About what?" I ask, confused. There's no way that they know about my talk with Dad lasy night.

"About your meeting with the principal, duh." Kriss prompts.

Wait. What? Holy shit. The meeting's today. Oh my god.

"Jess? Jess?" Kriss looks at me, waving her hand at my face. I push it off.

"I forgot all about it. Oh god." I tell them.

"Well, I have to get to class. Good luck Jess!" Nate says as he gives me a quick hug and runs off. Kriss and I continued to walk on the way to our rooms.

Classes we're okay. Now it's lunch time. Five minutes before 12 to be precise. I walk towards the principal's office. I'm nervous. What if I get kicked out of SFF now? Oh wait, I'm gonna audition for Broadway. Right. I'm saved. I approach the door and knock. The principal's secretary opens the door and motions me to come in. The desk is empty.

"She'll be here in five minutes."

I take my seat on the empty chair and look at my hands. My fingers are trembling. Then the door opens once again and the principal comes in.

"Good afternoon Jessica." She greets me with a smile. I stand up and shake her hand.

"Good afternoon Ma'am."

"I have news for you. Please sit."

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