Chapter 1: Hollywood Academy of Performing Arts

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September 2007

I woke up to the disturbing sound of my alarm clock. Well, it's the first day of school, yay. Note the sarcasm on that. You might be wondering who I am and why the hell I'm talking to you, so I better introduce myself. I'm Jessica Wesley and I'm an actress. I'm only 17 years old, so I'm currently an incoming Junior at the Hollywood Academy of Performing Arts. Most of my friends, who are celebrities as well, study there too. I know what you're gonna say. An actress at 17? Well, I got my first big break when I starred in "Frenzy" alongside my best friend Kriss Stuart and the legendary actress Jennifer Collins. Kriss and I were 12 by then, and still living in Australia.

You see, both our parents our Australian. We just moved in to Hollywood to pursue our acting careers. Kriss moved in to L.A. with her younger brother Jeremy and her dad when she was 9. I followed three years later with my dad and brothers.

My dad is Kevin Wesley, an actor known for his on-going hit TV show "The Medical Emergency" and my mom Judy is a movie producer. She preferred to stay in Aussie with Kriss's mom who is a director. I have 2 older brothers, Peter who makes a living by starring in a few indie films while my other brother Zach is a choreographer.

So basically I've been in the limelight almost my entire life so honestly, I'm grateful that I'm in HAPA and that this country participated in the project wherein performing arts universities and schools around the world made a system in which celebrities can still continue education despite touring the world, having photoshoots or interviews, or filming blockbuster movies. Paparazzi are also forbidden and not allowed to enter in any performing arts campuses which makes us celebs gain our freedom at least for quite some time. We're also not allowed to mention anything about our education to paparazzi or interviewers.

The thing in HAPA is that there are 2 divisions, the first one is "In the Works", for those who are aspiring to become actors or singers. The other one is called "School For Fame", for those who already got their big break, and that's where Kriss and I belong. My brothers both finished education in SFF at HAPA too. It might sound like discrimination at first, but it's not. The only reason that we are separated from them is because we're not always there. We can be gone for months when we're filming a movie, so the teachers only give us a few tasks so that our education's still intact. Students from "In the Works" actually don't mind and we're friends with them. At the end of the year we actually have activities where we bond and share stories with people from their group, so HAPA is actually a cool place to be in. This system applies in all levels: middle school, high school, college, you get the point.

Omg, it's already 7 am! Classes start in 30 minutes, and I so don't wanna be late for school. I head to the bathroom to get a quick shower. My deepest thoughts usually run when I'm wet. To be honest, I'm both excited and nervous for school. Sure, school is like an escape hole from the media, but I have things to face in school too, you know, like any typical teenager. I'm gonna be graduating next year, so I gotta work on my extra-curriculars. (Hey, just because I'm an actress doesn't mean I don't give a shit about my grade.) There's actually a slight chance that I might top my class, but the other candidate, my other best friend Nate, is really really smart, a nerd as I like to call him. Nate used to be based in London (He's British) till he moved here in LA for his TV show "Best Buds". There's also this thing which I'm worried about. I wanna be head captain of the cheerleading team when I'm a senior, but it's tradition that the title always gets passed down to the co-captain. Every year the senior cheerleaders choose the best performer from the junior cheerleaders, so I really hope I get picked since I've been working my butt off in all of the National Championships. Yes, HAPA's been winning all the championships for the past five years.

Also, I'm sort of being pressured lately. I haven't gotten any new movies and the last hit movie I've starred in was in October 2004! SFF Policy states that once I don't get another contract in three years, I'm going back to ITW. It's been three years. Well next month it's gonna be three. And I haven't found any movies that interest me at the moment. Well I hope I can find something to audition for soon. Now that I'm done with my shower, I get a nice white blouse, a mini skirt, my jacket and my favorite sneakers and rush down to grab a quick breakfast.

As I get down I'm greeted by my boyfriend of 2 years, Drew Sutter. He's 22, and he's about to graduate at HAPA this year. He's a dancer and an actor, and is also at the SFF division. Yes I know, a college boy. My college boy.

"Morning babe," he whispers as he gives me a peck on the lips, "You ready for school?" he asks.

"Yeah, I guess." I whisper back as I lean in and our lips meet. Mmm, Drew and his sweet lips. Two years and I'm still not used to all this intimacy and passion.

"Ehem.." We both jump back. Oh it's my dad.

"Look, I can see I interrupted your moment, but Jessie, darling, you're gonna be late. Eat breakfast. Drew offered to take you to school so I'm headed to the set now."

"Okay Dad, I will! Enjoy filming!" I told him as I gave him a quick hug.

"Enjoy school, honey." My dad said. He also shakes hands with Drew and gives a brief nod. The thing I love about my dad is that he trusts Drew and he knows that he makes me happy.

Drew and I finish breakfast in less than five minutes and we both head to his car. It's just a short drive, about 10 minutes from our place. I can already see the building from the window of Drew's car. Friends talking, couples hand in hand, yeah it is great to be back. Drew and I get out of the car. I'm headed to the HS building while he's headed to the college building. Looks like we won't see each other for a little while.

"Hey come here," he says as he pulls me into his arms. Oh, how I wish we could stay like this forever.

"Have fun, ok?", he whispers.

"I will. See you later." I whisper back.

"See ya later, babe." He says. Then we part ways. New school year, new challenges, this is gonna be awesome. Hopefully.

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