Chapter 9: The Cheerleaders

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A/N: Hey guys! Classes here in my city are still suspended so I decided to give you guys an additional chapter. It's quite short, but at least it's better than nothing. This chapter also makes up for the week that I didn't update anything. Enjoy!

Today's the cheerleading auditions. These are usually hosted by the senior cheerleaders and the two co-captains. Yesterday Mrs. Anderson, the school principal, informed me that Leila chose me as her co-captain. Then while I approached their table to thank them, they congratulated me, only to be whispered about afterwards.

So here I am, walking towards the school gym in my cheerleading uniform. The top is sleeveless, with shades of green and gold, our school colors. It comes with a matching mini skirt and white sneakers.

I honestly don't know if I want to meet the senior cheerleaders again. I know I've worked with them for the past years, but to talk with them? Make decisions with them? Lead the team with them? Those things add to my frustrations. Plus the fact that they talk about me behind my back.

I see Leila and the others at the center of the gym. They're seated at the table, holding papers which seem like application forms. I approach them.

"Hey guys!" I say, trying to look cheerful.

They all said 'Hi' back and asked me to sit down.

"So what do I do?" I ask.

Leila answers, "Okay so here," She hands me a stack of papers, " are the application forms, and once I call their names, we rate them based on what they're going to show us. Clear?"

"Crystal." I reply with a smile. This couldn't be so bad.

"Great." She replies. Now Leila faces all of us and says "Let's begin!"

A few hours have passed. I got to be honest, I don't mean to be harsh, but a lot of them sucked. Kudos to them for trying though. But still, there were a few stand outs. Even Jules auditioned, and she was good.

Now we're discussing who to put in the team. We're all agreeing on the same thing, which makes everything easy. I never knew I could get along with them. After a while we already have a complete list. We picked 20 members out of the 50 who auditioned. Part of those 20 were past cheerleaders. Girls who weren't seniors and not a co-captain had to audition every year, no matter how long they were a cheerleader. Another advantage of me being co-captain.

Now we're finally done. We all say our thanks and goodbyes. The seniors even told me that I should keep up the good work, that it was good thing that I was the one they chose, all that shit. I'm not buying that anymore. I just say a simple thanks and walk out of the room. As I reach the door I didn't expect a bucket of water to land at my face.

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