Chapter 3

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~Narrator's POV~
*After an hour of following Mabel and Norman around*

You head into the room with Dipper, mad that you guys learned nothing from following Mabel. A whole hour was how much it took. An hour of your life which you'll never get back.

"Hey, guys! My day was amazing. Norman and I️-" Mabel is cut off by Dipper.

"There's something wrong with Norman; he's not who he seems to be," Dipper shoves the book in her face, showing her all the possibilities. "Zombie."

"Dipper," you say, aggravated that he went against both of yours compromise. You didn't want to tell Mabel that something was weird with Norman, especially since there was no proof. Now that Dipper said this, you would have to jump in. "Not a zombie, but something is wrong about him, Mabel."

"This isn't funny. Now, I'm going on this date and none of you can stop me," Mable replies, barging out the door.

"And this is why I️ didn't want you to tell her yet. Let's go look through the video we captured. We have to get evidence fast," you turn to Dipper.


"Nothing. Nothing. Nothing," you sigh, massaging your forehead. "This is useless, there may be nothing wrong with him. Maybe he's just a weird human guy."

As soon as you say that, the video shows Norman's right hand fall of, making you gasp and roll of the bed. You point a finger at Dipper. "I️ don't want to hear it. Let's go save Mabel, then you can say whatever you desire."

You run out, nearly tripling down the stairs. You and Dipper split up to find a car to take. Looking around for anyone, you see Wendy.

"Yo, Wendy! Golf cart. Keys. Mabel," you say dryly with a straight face.

She smiles, handing you the keys. She immediately knew what you meant by your few words. At first, she appeared to be surprised when you called her name. You're not that much of a jerk though; you recognize that people have names and you're going to treat them with respect. Getting close to people is just something you cannot do. All you're capable of doing is hurting. No time to think about this now.

You run to the golf cart and bump into Soos while Dipper takes the wheel.

"Take this. One for the zombies and the other in case you see a piñata," Soos gives you a bat and a shovel.

"Yep, I'll make sure to use both, Soos. Dipper, drive," you command.

~Your POV~

Driving, I️ see Mabel being attached by tiny, little old men with red caps? I️ stand up, holding onto the side of the cart for balance. Upon closer look, they're still tiny, old men with red caps. They're making grabby hands, trying to take and tie up Mabel. I️ see red, fists clenching, and I️ do a flip off the vehicle. Ok, it was more like a tumble to the ground, but it was still elegant. I️ get up, dust off my clothes with the lint roller from my pocket, and get into a fighting stance.

"(Y/N), a lint roller? Now?" Dipper asks, confused, but I️ think all of them are too. All the little men are staring at me, stopping whatever they're doing. I️ know my handsomeness is sometimes too beautiful for the world, but I️ didn't think this would be the reaction.

Gravity Falls Wendy x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now