3. Eddie

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As Richie made eye contact with me, I knew I was screwed. We kept doing this thing. We would make eye contact and we both get a little red in the face. I knew I was gay, in fact, everyone did. I came out a couple of months ago to everyone and I finally felt myself for the first, well, ever I guess. I had a strong feeling that Richie was too, but I guess there was no way to know unless he told us. Oh well, if he wasn't ready he wasn't ready. But I hoped he was gay. Because I very obviously had a crush on him but I think he didn't see it, even if he was the only one. Anyways, we were all riding along, going to the quarry to meet Bev. When her father died, or more specifically, when she killed him in self defense, she moved with her aunt to Portland for a couple years and had started off the junior year with us again. It took Bill all of two weeks to ask her out and they had been dating happily ever since. She lived on the other side of the quarry with her aunt now, so she always met us there instead of riding with all of us. I felt a little bad for Ben, he had such a big crush on Bev, but he knew Bill made her happy and he respected her for it. And I respected him for that. As we neared the quarry, we slowed and I saw Bev's stuff, a big stereo for us to blast music from, snacks and her backpack. We usually hiked down and set up camp and then climbed back up to jump off. Bill parked his bike and gave Bev a quick peck on the lips. They fit so well together. "Hey Bev" I yelled over to her as I parked my bike next to Mike's and Bill's. "Hey everyone." She smiled and picked up her pack. I slung my towel over my shoulder and picked up the cooler of food. Richie was soon behind me and he picked up the stereo. I looked at him, and he looked back, a grin immediately spreading across his face. I smiled too, and headed to the path where the rest of the group had already started heading down. Here we go, onto our next adventure. 

The New Girl In Town {Stanley Uris}Where stories live. Discover now