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"RUN, MITCH, RUN AND DON'T COME BACK! I'LL-I'LL BE FINE. JUST GO!" I scream, pushing my best friend way away from me.

Tears stream down Mitch's face as he sprints away, sobbing.

I turn around to face an extremely agitated robot.


"You're pathetic. I can tell you're in love with Mitch, do you think I'm stupid? Oh, Jerome." He chuckles. "But, as am I. You just had to intrude, didn't you?" he snarls. "He loved you and your random ways. He even quit AwesomeSauceFilms for you. Now everyone is doing this stupid child-friendly shit, all because of you. You're a fucking disgrace." he says, face curled into a scowl.

He takes a step towards me and I flinch. "Aw, poor baby, afraid. Well, maybe THIS will make you afraid!"

Suddenly he whips out a diamond sword and I turn around and run. I run as fast as I can. I realize I can't outrun a robot so I look up into the immense tree canopy, an idea sparking. I look back ahead and can see what I was looking for.

A tree with a few branches, spiraling up into the air.

"Oh, JEROOOOME!" Mat calls from behind me. "I'm cooooooming!"

I'm a few yards from it...



I make a leap and grab the first branch, six feet off the ground. As I pull myself up, I can hear Mat race past. I'm already 50 feet in the air before he notices what I did.

"YOU FUCKING BACCA!" He screams, stomping towards me and throwing a temper tantrum.

I reach the highest branch and begin whirling through the trees, fast.

Colors blur past and I finally see what I'm looking for.

Mitch, curled up on a branch, almost like a frightened child.

He hugs his knees, looking around with eyes wide.

He's still in shock from when Mat murdered Preston, Rob, Adam and Ty right in front of him.

I reach his branch and he flinches before seeing who I am.

"JEROME!" he sobs, flinging his arms around me. I carry him down a few branches onto a huge branch, six feet wide. Jungle trees are huge.

He gives me a huge smile, and I return the favor.

And then his face falls.

"Mitch?" I ask, confused.

His eyes wander downwards, looking at the diamond sword impaling him in the stomach.

"MITCH!" I scream, jerking forwards to catch him as he slumps forward.

He slides off the sword and I twist him so he's looking up at me.

"J...Jerome?" He asks, hands wildly looking for something to grab.

I hold his hand and he cries silently.

"I love you, Biggums." He states, looking up at me. He gives a small grin before his eyes roll into his head.

"Mitch?! MITCH?!" I scream, shaking him.

An insane laugh comes from in front of me. Mat, holding a bloody sword.

"I killed him. And killing him killed you!" he chuckled. "I win! I murdered Poofless and Skylox too! No one deserves to be happy. No one."

He looks up at the sky, then back at me.

"They're all dead. All of them. I killed Tyler, Lachlan, Martin, Ashley, and everyone else. Jordan? Gone. Vik? Dead too. But you know what? I'll leave you. Leave you all alone to rot without Mitch. Goodbye!" he chuckles before getting ready to jump to the ground.

I look at Mitch, his pale face peaceful. I wipe the tears off of his face.

"But," I begin, looking at Mat. "I don't have to be alone. I'll never be alone. I'm going to see Mitch, soon."

Mat stares at me, confused.

I clutch Mitch's corpse and mutter, "I love you." before falling backwards off the tree.

I grin and kiss my love's forehead before hitting the ground, everything turning black.

{A/N Kinda short. :P P.S. I love Mat but I HAD to make him the bad/crazy guy, sorrryyy cx}

Thanks for reading! Please make sure to vote this up if you enjoyed it, and comment any ideas for one-shots or a link to a Merome one-shot you'd like me to add in here! Thanks you so much, I love you, catch ya later! ~FlowersForMitch

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