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Author's POV

Rob and Jerome had the entire night planned out. Since Preston and Mitch were visiting Jerome's house in New Jersey, the two men decided to plan a 'double date' for their boyfriends.

Mitch's POV

"PURSTON!" I screamed into the slumbering cactus's ear.
He jumped up off the couch, screamed, and fell on the floor.
Clutching my stomach with laughter, I followed him on the descent to the floor.
"DUDE, WHAT THE FUDGE?!" He yelled back.
I continued laughing until he hit me on the shoulder.
"You should...have seen...your face!" I sputtered out between breaths.
"Jerk!" he scowled.
We got up off the ground (and then he pushed me back down) when we heard the door open.
"JEROOOOOOOOOOOOME!" I scream, running full force at the door.
I saw a tall figure and leaped at him, knocking him to the ground.
I sat on his chest when I saw who it was.
"You're not Jerome!" I frowned.
"No, I'm not! NOW GET OFF!" Rob chuckled.
I stared him down. "Make me!"
He glared at me when suddenly I was tackled from behind.
"GET OFF MAH MAN!" Preston said, loosely choking me with his arms.
"Uuuuuuuh, what are you guys doing?" Jerome asked, walking through the door.
I bolted up, knocking Preston off and making Rob grunt.
"JEROOOOOOOME!" I screamed again, leaping into his arms bridal style.
"Woah woah, biggums, chill out!"
"I missed you!" I say, snuggling into his chest.
"I saw you like, one hour ago."
"But that's a looooooong time!" I complained.
He gives me a look and sets me down.
"Soooo, what were you guys doing?" Rob asks.
"I was watching tv-" I started, but then Preston interrupted me by screaming, "AND I WAS SLEEPING UNTIL THIS CACTUS JONES WOKE ME UP!"
I laughed, "It was funny, too!"
"Anyways!" Rob said. "We're going somewhere. Get in the car boys."
"Fine, DAD. Whatever you say, DAD!" Preston joked.
Rob playfully hit him on the shoulder as we all walked out of the house, getting into the car.
"What are we doing?" I asked.
Jerome tutted me and I frowned.
"I hate surprises."
"You're just impatient, Mitch." Jerome said from the front seat.
"Am not!" I pouted.
"Are too!" Preston and Rob said at the same time.
I hit Preston on the shoulder, since he was beside me in the backseat.
"Calm down, kiddies." Rob chuckled. "Anywas, the place is only a few more blocks away."
I looked out the window, and sure enough, I saw what we were doing.
"GO CARTS!" I screamed.
"Ow, yeah, go-carts, calm yourself!" Jerome said, covering his ears.
When Rob stopped, Preston and I leapt out, excitedly jumping up and down. "I WANT RED!" I announced.
Preston beside me screamed, "I WANT GREEN BECAUSE CACTI!"
I look at him and chuckle, "You want orange for torches."
He hit me and ran over to the sign up. "ROB GETS ORANGE AND JEROME GETS BLUE K BAI!"
"We get the excitable boyfriends, don't we?" Jerome chuckled, Rob smiling in agreement.
I grab Jerome's arm and pull him to the office.

Jerome's POV

After go-carting (in which Mitch won, followed by me) we went to go see 22 Jump Street, which was hilarious.
I sit in the front seat of the car and look out the window, smiling as we took off.
"Wait-why are we going back home?" Mitch asked, sounding disappointed.
I turn around and give him a smile.
"To change."
"Change?" Preston asks, giving a puzzled.
I shrug and look towards the front again.
"Biggums!" Mitch whines.
"No whining, Mitch. Unless you want to be punished later." I say, grinning deviously.
Mitch blushes ferociously as Preston and Rob burst out laughing.
We pull up out front and everyone gets out, goes inside, and each couple goes to their rooms.
I sit Mitch on the bed and open up our closet, pulling out a suit for each of us.
I turn around and he looks at me uncertainly.
"Um, a suit? You know I'm not good at being fancy, right?"
I laugh and nod, setting the suits on the bed.
I step towards him and unbutton his shirt, and then his pants, leaving him in his boxers.
He smiles mischievously and steps toward me, but I shake my head and make him sit again.
He shakes his head back at me and stands up again.
He lifts my shirt off and then undoes my pants, and now we're both in our socks and underwear.
"Jerome..." he purrs sexily, making me step forward and kiss him to make him shut up before I get a 'problem' he'll have to take care of.
He wraps his arms around my neck and leans into my kiss, exploring my mouth.
We stayed that way until we hear Rob outside the door.
"Hey, lovebirds, I appreciate your lovey-dovey-ness but now is not the time for sexy time."
"Yeah, we are NOT running on Mitch Time!" Preston adds in.
We both giggle into each other's lips and pull apart.
"We'll be right there!" Mitch says, stepping away from me and grabbing his grey suit.
I grab my dark blue suit and pull it on.
We comb our hair quickly and soon we are ready.
"OUR RIDE'S HERE!" Rob announces.
Mitch eyes me suspiciously as we exit the house.
He gasps, "A LIMO?"
He looks at me and eyes me again.
"What do you want from me?" he jokes.
I shake my head and he announces, "I'm not leaving until you tell me."
I smile as I pick him up and carry him bridal style, him complaining the entire time.
After we get in the limousine, Rob hands each of us a glass of champagne.
"To us!" He says, raising his glass to a toast.
"To us!" We all repeat, clinking our glasses together.
After we take a sip, Mitch leans his head against me and mutters, "I love you Biggums."
I smile and respond, "I love you too."

Mitch's POV

I step out of the limo and gasp.
" Royale?!"
Jerome nods and holds my hand.
"Only the best for my Mitchy-Poo."
I laugh, "Don't call me that, Jeromey Bologna!"
We chuckle as we head inside, Preston and Rob close behind.
"So, we're going to get separate booths. That alright?" Jerome asks.
We all nod and a waitress comes by. "Together?" She asks, pointing at us.
"Together." He grabs me by the waist and we look at her expectingly.
She turns around with a weird look on her face- probably some extremely religious woman- and leads us to a booth.
We sit across from each other and smile.
"Anything to drink?" she asks, setting menus down in front of us.
I open my mouth to speak but Jerome says, "A glass of water now, but champagne when our meal comes."
She looks at me and I point at Jerome.
"Okay!" she says, walking away to get our drinks.
I open up my menu and look at it, puzzled.
Jerome laughs and puts a hand on my menu, pushing it down and gaining eye contact with me.
"I'm having steak, and you'll like this meal called chicken tetrazzini. It's just noodles, chicken, and some really good sauce that's better than alfredo!"
I stare at him blankly and he laughs again.
The waitress comes back and gives us a glass of water each.
"We're ready to order." I say.
I repeat what Jerome said earlier and she nods, scribbling it down.
"I'm going to go use the restroom, be right back!" He says after she leaves.
I nod as he gets up and I get out my phone.
I post a picture of Jerome and I holding our go-carting trophies from earlier and tweet a few things when Jerome comes back.
"Hey Biggums!" I say, grinning.
I've smiled and laughed more in the past two years with him than in the rest of my life.
"Hey yourself!" He grins back.
We chat a bit before our waitress comes back with our meals and drinks.
She places them before us and saunters off.
"Mm...mmmmm.....oh my god, dood, this..." I moan, mesmerized.
"Haha, you like?" he asks.
I nod. After a few mins and being halfway done I look back up at him.
He's looking at me like I'm a gift from heaven.
"You like?" I mock, wiping the sauce from my face with a napkin.
He blushes a light shade of pink and nods.
As I pick up my glass of champagne he says, "I love you Mitch."
I'm about to put down my glass when I feel something clink against my teeth.
"What-?" I say as I set my glass down. I stick my finger in and grab the item out, setting it on the napkin in my hand.
I rub it a bit and let it fall back into my right hand.
It's a ring!
I look over at Jerome and see he isn't there.
A hand gently encloses my right hand and I look to my side to see Jerome.
He stands me up and then kneels in front of me. I stand, shocked, until he begins to speak.
"I've known you since 4th grade, and I've loved you since then. Two years ago, you said yes to the title of my boyfriend, and ever since then I have been happier than I've ever been. Mitchell Donald Ralph Hughes, will you do me an honor and become Mr.Aceti with me? Mitch, will you marry me?"
I stare at him, speechless, before nodding. A happy sob rips out of my throat as he stands up to hug me.
"Of course I'll marry you, Biggums." I whisper in his ear.
He steps back and takes the ring from my hand.
He shows me what's engraved on the inside: Together Forever, Love Biggums
The ring slips onto my finger and I stare at it, happier beyond belief.
The restaurant applauds as we embrace again.
"Hey Biggums? I'm too ecstatic to eat anymore!" Jerome says.
I nod into his shoulder and we step apart again.
The waitress comes by with two boxes and whispers something into Jerome's ear.
The only thing I catch is "on the house".
I pack away our food and we exit the restaurant, holding hands.

Jerome's POV

We get in the car and sit in the backseat. We chat for a bit before we go silent. Mitch leans against me, his head on my shoulder, and soon his breathing becomes slow and steady. His grip on my hand loosens a bit and I enjoy the silence. I close my eyes and appreciate the fact that Mitch said yes.
Before I know it, we pull in front of the house and I wake up. Mitch still sleeping, Rob opened up our door and I carry him into the house. I set him on the bed while I get out of the suit, and then I undress him too. I tuck him in and get in after him.
Surprised he didn't wake up- he has been a deep sleeper all his life- I squeeze his hand gently, snuggling close to him.
Apparently THIS woke him up, and he snuggles closer to me, his face inches from mine.
"Together forever." He states.
I smile and kiss him on the nose.
"Love, Biggums."

{A/N WOOP WOOP! Today is Wednesday and I released Gone :P but dear future people, today is Friday about 3 my time! Ha! ANYWAYS, this WAS gonna be called Double Date, but the end was only Merome. BTW, Poofless got engaged too! Yeah.}

Thanks for reading! Please make sure to vote this up if you enjoyed it, and comment any ideas for one-shots or a link to a Merome one-shot you'd like me to add in here! Thanks you so much, I love you, catch ya later! ~FlowersForMitch

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