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{Warning: This may be triggering to some}

My head lay against the window, banging against it occasionally when we hit a bump.

I didn't mind though; I don't feel pain anymore.

Well, I did, but it was numb and I always ignored it...the only pain I can't handle is the pain in my heart that's been there since...



I snapped back to reality and looked to the driver, my mom.

"Are you...okay?"

I nodded. I haven't spoken in a month, since 'the incident'.

"Mitch? Will you...talk again?" Her voice cracked and I just leaned my head back against the window.

Her hair was greying, her face becoming thinner and thinner. She's been through so much, so quickly.

My dad...he died. Half a year ago. From cancer.

She's been so strong for me, for Connor. I want to help her so much, I just...


I can't speak. Whenever I try, my throat feels like it's going to close up and never open again.

Silent tears rolled down our faces. Mother, faced with so much loss. Connor is the only one in our family slightly okay.

We reached our destination, and I got out. She quickly checked me in and we walked into the office.

"Mitchell Hughes?" The receptionist asked. I gave a nod and a slight wave to my mother, walking into the huge oak door with a plaque that said:

Dr.Mycroft, Therapist and Physician

"Mitch! How are you?"

I shrugged.

"Ready to talk today?"

I shrugged again. That's about all I could do: yes, no, maybe, I don't know.

"Have you been trying?"

Guess what? I shrugged.

"Mitch, you have to talk at some point. You can't just stay mute your whole life."

I stayed silent, biting my tongue.

"Mitch, can I try something?"

I hesitated before giving a slight nod.

I wish I hadn't. Dr.Mycroft held up the one thing I wanted so bad yet killed me to look at.

A picture.


"J...Jerome..." I croaked.

"See? Good job, Mitch!"

My vision went blurry, blinding me. My breathing, heart quickened. Oh no, not now, this can't happen.

"Mitch?" The doctor asked, concered.

I stumbled forward, catching myself on the counter. I dropped to my knees, clutching my chest.

"Mitch calm down. You're fine."

He's back, oh god he's BACK.

Jerome stood over me.

"Mitch, I said CALM. DOWN." He demanded.

"SHUT UP!" I screamed, covering my ears.

"Mitch, I miss you so much, and I wish we could talk, but right now you're having a stress-induced panic attack. Just. Breathe."

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