Turn Around

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"MITCH, WHERE'S MY PHONE?" I yell from my room.


I just ate lunch with him a half hour ago, and he said he was gonna go record.

"MITCH?" I yell again.

I sigh, and get up to go downstairs when there's a knock on my door.

"Mitch? Come in."

Silence again.

I open up my door, and my phone is sitting there.

I pick it up and type in my password.

(6374, otherwise known as MDRH, Mitch's initials. C'mon, it's easy to remember my boyfriend's name!)

It opens up to a picture that has him smiling and is captioned, "my server" and that's it.

I assume he means Minecraft, so I open it up and go to his personal server.

Where I spawn has a minecart, so I hop in and go.

I whirl through a bunch of trees, and then go through a glass tunnel with water on the outside.

I finally emerge to daylight and see a giant statue of my bacca skin with doors at the bottom.

I walk over to it and enter, and a tripwire teleports me to the top of it's head.

A sign stands in front of me.

Turn around.

I turn around, only to see another sign.

In real life, dummy!

I mutter a confused, "Wha-?" and swivel on the office chair.

In front of me is Mitch, on one knee, holding a small box.

"Jerome Robert Aceti, I love you so very much, and I would be delighted if you would be my husband. Will you marry me?"

I sit, shocked, before a squeal emits from me and I tackle him, ending up on top of him so I kiss him all over.

I finally reach his lips and we kiss for a few minutes, his arms wrapped around me, until he pulls away briefly.

"I take that as a yes?"

I mumble a quick "mhm" and attack myself to him once again.

He chuckles and smiles into my lips.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Biggums!"

{A/N D'AWWWWW! I just had a heart attack because a thunderstorm is going on and thunder rumbled really close to us and shook my bed and I'm afraid of them >.< anyways, Awwww! How cute-iful! Another fluffy fluff fluff for you jerks! :3 JK I LOVE YOU MY BAES}

Thanks for reading! Please make sure to vote this up if you enjoyed it, and comment any ideas for one-shots or a link to a Merome one-shot you'd like me to add in here! Thanks you so much, I love you, catch ya later! ~FlowersForMitch

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