Break and Enter

969 31 21

Mitch's POV

I woke up with a cold sweat, startled. I began crying immediately as I remembered the horrors I just faced in my sleep.

As I sobbed loudly, Jerome ran in the room.

"Mitch? Are you okay?!" he asks with concern as he sits on the bed.

I shake my head no and he scoots up to me. He then takes me in his arms and rubs circles on my back as I settle down, silently crying into his chest save a sniffle or two.

After about ten minutes I take a deep breath and sit up.

"Mitch?" He asks again and I shake my head no.

As he gets up to leave I flinch involuntarily.

He looks back at me and I stare at him like a frightened child.

"Here Biggums, why don't I sleep here tonight?"

I nod slowly and he crawls into bed with me.

We both lay on out left side, but he lives a fair amount of space in between us. He gently runs his hand up and down my bare arm. The action is soothing and soon I fall asleep.


Author's POV

The two slept peacefully, both quite content with each other's company. Mitch has had bad dreams ever since he last visited his parent's house. While his father was away on a business trip, a burglar entered the home. Mitch's little brother, Connor, went to go see what was going on when the thief was busy stealing stuff. Connor ended up getting his throat slit, and Mitch entered the room just in time to see it. The burglar fled the scene and Mitch called 911 and stayed with his brother. Connor is now fine, but Mitch has been having bad dreams about his loved ones being hurt for weeks.


Jerome's POV

I wake up to Mitch's head on my chest, his hand close by. My right arm is flung across him, reaching his back.

Oh, how I'd love to stay this way forever.

Last night I arrived from New Jersey to the Team Crafted house. I watched tv for half an hour before I heard Mitch stir. I think he had a bad dream because when I saw him he was shaking and sobbing.

Anyways, I slept in his bed with him and he seems fine now.

I see him being to stir and I quickly shut my eyes. His head lifts up, but quickly is put back down. It seems he doesn't want to move either.

We lay like that for another fifteen minutes until he begins to stir. He rolls off of me and sits on the edge of the bed. I watch him sit for a few minutes, stretching and slowly waking up, until he gets up to go the bathroom.

I sit up and contemplate.

Of course, I just slept with my best friend. Slept as in the same bed-of course, I mean...

We've slept in the same bed before, on trips with Team Crafted and friends, but we always put pillows in between us. But this time was different. We woke up cuddling, for fuck's sake!


I think I love Mitch.


Mitch's POV

I wake up to piss and take a shower, taking my time to think. I had a bad dream, and Jerome was immediately there to comfort me. We woke up cuddling, too. I slather one some 3-in-1 soap and continue my inner-thoughts. I have always been close to Jerome, slept in the same bed, compared penis size, hell even kissed once on a dare. But what changed?

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