1: Kellen Napier

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This story is a Trilogy that started as a oneshot. Below is the order of the stories.

- Turquoise Punchline Oneshot

1. The Turquoise Punchline

2. Asylum Romance

3. The Darker Side of Life


Kellen Napier. That’s the name. I go to Gotham High because my mother insists on it, but I already know I want to join her and my father in taking down Gotham. She tells me that she wants me to have options, I don’t know what the hell that means, but whatever helps her sleep at night.

I parked my 2014 Grabber Blue Mustang with silver stripes in the parking lot of the school and stepped out, I cursed loudly when I saw how close Damian Wayne had parked to me. He gave me an obnoxious head nod, and I wanted to slam my car doors into his stupid white Porche when he wasn’t looking, but my car’s paint would possibly show in the damage, and I’d get in big trouble with the parents.

I sighed and locked the car doors, pulling my beanie on my head tighter, walking into school.

I was super self-conscious of my hair; my parents dye it blonde for me, but I haven’t gotten around to dying it lately, and the blue was definitely showing. I didn’t want anyone to mention it, so I hurried to the classroom and sighed when I saw all the popular guys checking out all the popular girls who seemed to only have interest in them.

I didn’t know how to fit in with them. It wasn’t much of a concern, I had a lot of friends, but I could never make it to Jock/Cheerleader status.

“Eyy, Kells, what’s up man? That’s a nice car you got out there.” I turned to see who had spoken to me to meet the eyes of Tim Drake, my best friend.

“Thanks! How have you been?” I questioned. He went on some trip for two weeks, and I haven’t seen him since then.

“Good, good,” his eyes fell on Damian Wayne and he rolled his eyes. “That douche bag.”

“Did something happen between you and him?” I questioned. I knew that Tim and Damian had worked together with Bruce Wayne, Damian’s father, so it was probably trouble with work.

“Yeah, yeah, I just want to go in his car and destroy the fucking breaks,” he muttered, rubbing his arm. It was bandaged, I frowned in confusion.

“Yo man, what’s that all about?”

“It’s nothing,” he muttered, then turned. “Oh, hey look, Charlotte is back.”

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, another person who seemed to be in the loop that Tim was in.

“I swear man, one day you’ll have to tell me your connection to all of these people.”

Tim looked distressed for a moment. “Honestly, it’s complicated as hell.” Just then, the people I was affiliated with walked in. Duela Dent (but we call her Duela Dennings to cover her identity), Kitrina Falcone, Sasha (“Scarlet”), and I quickly looked away. All of the villains had female children, then there’s me. I do have a little sister as well, so I really am the odd ball. “Hey, tell me why you are connected to those interesting females then,” Tim joked, I laughed and shook my head.

“You don’t wanna know,” I spoke, pretending I had pasts with them instead of the fact that I worked with them sometimes to meddle with the justice system.

“How are your parents?” Tim asked me, frowning. I sighed.

My parents have been at their prime lately, always too busy to help me out if I need it now, hence the beanie. My father always dyed my hair, and I had no idea how to do it, so I was stuck like this for a while. Can’t explain to a salon that my hair grows blue, like my mother’s, a notorious criminal. She can just wear wigs, I don’t have that option.

Recently, my parents got into a pretty big argument and my father left town with a couple of henchmen. Female henchmen. I don’t think my dad’s cheating on my mom, but my mom thinks otherwise, and has been sort of a wreck lately.

I sighed. “Complicated. My dad up and left for a few days on a business trip, with women my mom does not approve of.”

Tim sucked in breath, wincing at my words. “That’s harsh.”

“How’s your dad?”

Tim sighed. “Holding up. Dana is helping him out, though.”

A while back, Tim’s mom and dad suffered some odd attack that Tim won’t talk to me about, but it took the life of his mother and left his father a paraplegic. His dad had recently gotten married to Dana Winters, a physical therapist that he had fallen in love with. Things were looking good for his family.

The bell rang to go to class and I let out a large sigh, giving Tim a look of despair. “Let’s ditch.”

“Your father will kill you.”

“He’s not around now, is he?” I questioned, smirking. My phone went off a moment later and I checked it to see that my mother had texted me.


Your father is home. He’s going to excuse you from school so we can all have some family time.

He has to go straight to work tomorrow morning is why.

Love you, my little cutie pie. <33333


I laughed. My mom was such a child with how she spoke sometimes. “Sucks for you, man. Mom and dad to the rescue, they’re pulling me out of school! Dad’s home.”

“Lucky,” Tim sighed. “Well, I’ll text you if anything interesting happens. Tell them I said hi!”

“Sure thing. See ya!” I spoke and headed on home, excited to see my father.


I arrived at my large, black home that could very well be considered a mansion and walked up the front steps, seeing my dad’s decoy car in the driveway. I smiled and unlocked the front door, stepping in and finding my mother standing at the top of the staircase in a white, long dress, her blue hair cascading down to her hips, her young face smiling in the direction of my father who was walking over to her.

My mother seemed to never age, it was odd. My father aged a bit, but he still held the same exact face he did from years back. I saw the pictures.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and turned to see my little sister, Layla. She was the lucky kid, tuning out blonde. She was only two years younger than me, sixteen and rebellious, yet sweet and smart.

“Hey, sis.”

“Hey, bro.” she responded, then ran up the stairs once her eyes locked on dad. “Daddy!”

She was the biggest daddy’s girl ever, it was ridiculous. She ran into his open arms, he laughed and hugged her tighter.

“Hey, champ.” He spoke, glancing at my mother, who was giving him a tight smile. I guess she still hadn’t forgave him for what happened.

“Why did you go away with those ugly women? Hmm?” Bold as ever. Gotta love her.

Dad’s eyes were wide. “Business, sweetheart.”

“Business. Hmm.”

He sighed loudly. “Wanna test me?”

“Yes.” Mom, Layla and I responded in unison. Dad rolled his eyes and walked to the room with the lie detector, mother laughed and looked at me.

“Honey, go put your costume away, we are going to have some guests over.”

I sighed and went to go hide my disguise, putting it up in the closet. As I did, I saw something move in my parent’s room. I started to walk over, crouching, trying to be as quiet as possible, but whatever it was caught on to me and flew out of the window in a flash of purple and black. I frowned, confused, and turned to go tell my parents. What the hell was in my house without us noticing? 

The Darker Side Of Life (Asylum Romance Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now