11: Helena

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“Kellen, calm down,” my sister sighed as she stepped into the car and situated herself in the passenger seat.

“How can I? Mom’s date with Bruce is today.”

“It isn’t a date.”

I stopped pulling out of the driveway to give her a look. She sighed. “What? It isn’t!”

“You saw the way he looked at her. He wasn’t expecting a beautiful woman.”

“Okay, Oedipus.”

“EW, EW!” I slammed on the breaks, causing Layla to slightly fly forward. Her hands slammed against the dashboard to prevent her from slamming her head on it.

“I was joking!”

“Don’t joke about that kind of shit, you weirdo!” I shouted, then started to drive again.

“I’ll just stop talking so you don’t give me whiplash,” she muttered, turning to look out of the window. I sighed, turning up the volume on my radio. It was on my iPod’s Avenged Sevenfold folder on the song “Shepherd of Fire”, so I turned it up. My sister smirked. She was into the same music, and she started to do the motions of the drums, since she had memorized the whole song on drums. She had been in drumming classes since she was seven because she begged and pleaded my dad for them.

We arrived at school right as the song ended. We got out of the car and started to walk, everyone staring at me and whispering at each other. I wonder what rumor got out about my disappearance.

Damian smirked at Layla, who was walking up to him shyly. She hadn’t told him anything about our predicament since she didn’t know how to bend the truth, and she also hadn’t invited him over. Ever.

Thank god.

I turned to see Tim rushing over to punch me in the arm, and I backed up and laughed before he could. He swung at air, then laughed, surprised. “Man, I forgot you beefed up.”

I smirked, and walked with him into the school, but stopped once I saw the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen.

She had long black hair and beautiful blue eyes and defined facial features. She wore a nice white shirt that showed off her belly button with a leather jacket over it, and she wore nice, tight black jeans with boots. The boot’s heels looked at least three inches high, and she walked like she did not give a fuck about anyone around her.

My jaw dropped, Tim had to smack my cheek to get me back into functioning. I ripped my eyes from her as she walked passed me and out of the school.

“I see you’ve seen the new girl,” Tim spoke, chuckling lightly.

“Who is she?”

“Helena Bertinelli. She’s kind of a wild child.”

“What do you mean?”

The roar of a motorcycle answered my question. I turned to see the girl speed off, her black hair whipping behind her.

I was in love.

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