9: I'm Alive

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“Ah, Kellen! Lovely to see you. What brings you here? Looking for Tim, I presume?”

I smiled at Alfred apologetically, he looked shocked to see me. I hadn’t been around in a while, and Tim didn’t know where I had moved to. Probably because if anyone was great at hiding, it was a family of criminals. But I’m sure he didn’t have any high-tech technology to search for me with to find out that little fact.

“Of course, yes.”

“He is in his room. Shall I call him down?”

“Nah, no need. I’ll just run up there.”

“Alright, sir,” Alfred nodded respectfully, smiling widely. “Nice to see you again!”

“You, too!” I spoke, nodding, running up the stairs and to Tim’s room. I knocked three times quickly—a type of knocking only him and I used to signal who it was at the door—and stepped back, waiting for Tim to scramble out of bed to get the door.

He opened the door way quicker than I thought he would. His hair, which had slightly grown out, was pressed down at one side of his head and sticking up at the top. He looked like he had just woken up from a ten year rest. “Holy shit, it is you!” Tim grabbed me into a bro hug, slapping my back, and I hugged him tight, relieved to finally be in the presence of my best friend. I told him nothing about what had happened with my family, or anything at all for the last three months. I had avoided school for that long, pleading with my teachers to send the assignments and book work to my house. I was caught up in that sense, but I had a crap load of tests to make up and such, so my grades were a high C. I had to start fixing that before I made mom even worse.

“Hey. . .Sorry I’ve been gone. . .”

“Where have you been? You fell off of the face of the planet, and you moved, and—“ he pulled away for a second, eyeing me with an odd expression. “Did you move to the gym or something? You’re buff!”

I sighed, wondering where to even start. I had no idea how to even explain this. “I. . .Uhm, my parents split up. I took it hard because my mom looks terrible, and I’ve been working out and getting stronger because I feel like crap.”

Tim’s eyes widened. “You’ve got to be kidding. . .” He gasped, then shook his head, frowning. “That fucking sucks.”

“Yeah, it does. My dad walked out on us, and now my mom is trying to support us.”

“Man. . . Your mother is such a nice woman. . .Why did your dad leave? Was he cheating?”

I shook my head. “He felt like his life didn’t correspond with ours.”

Tim shook his head in disgust. “And here I was thinking your old man was respectable.”

“I know, I know. Same thought.”

“Do you want Bruce to help your mother out?”

“No, no. I don’t think she’d accept his money.”

“We can try!” Tim slapped my arm and rushed over to find Bruce, but I quickly followed.

“Tim, it’s okay, really, I-“

Just then, Bruce walked out of a room, and Tim nearly knocked him over because he was walking so fast.

“Bruce! Kellen’s parents split, and his mom is taking care of Kellen and Layla all on her own.”

Bruce looked concerned, looking at me. “Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. I’ll get his mother back on her feet financially.”

“No no, it’s really alright-“

“Nonsense. I’m going to make sure your family doesn’t fall into debt,” he spoke, nodding with a grin. “Now, if you will excuse me, I have a fundraiser to attend.”

He left before I could protest again, and I let out a large sigh, shaking my head.

“Hey, do me a favor and write down your address so I can actually stop by your house and pay you visits, will you? And give me your new cell phone number.”

I nodded, taking out my cell phone. I texted Tim my new address, and of course he copied my number from the text. “Well, I just stopped by to show you I was still alive. I’m gonna head home now. Dinner is going to be ready in. . .” I checked my watch. “Like, ten minutes. Layla decided to cook a turkey.”

Tim nodded. “Alright, man. Nice seeing you. Show up at school, will ya?”

I grinned. “Of course,” I nodded, patting him on the back before going down the stairs and out of the front door. I got into my car and leaned my head back, sighing. I wish I could tell more about my situation, but I couldn’t.

Cons of being the child of two infamous villains.

The Darker Side Of Life (Asylum Romance Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now