15: All Together Again

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~*~Kellen’s Point of View~*~

My mom barged in through the front door angrily, throwing her shoes onto the floor and ripping off her wig, throwing it at the table.

“Mom?” I questioned, concerned.

“Your stupid fucking father ruined my date!” Mom growled, going to her room and slamming the door. After ten minutes, she walked out dressed in her Caerulean clothes.

I was shocked now. “What are you doing?”

“You’ll see. Turn on the news,” she sighed, leaving.

I changed the channel onto the news where I saw Joker and Batman slugging it out at Bruce Wayne’s fundraiser. Oh shit, dad did cockblock.


After a few moments, Caerulean walked in with her hair in high pigtails that flowed down her mid back. She held a whip in hand, slashing it out and grabbing Joker by the hand, yanking him towards her.

“My my, what do we have here?” she gasped, a flash of pure shock flittered across my dad’s features, and she smirked widely. “I got a bone to pick with you, mister!” she threw a blue ball at Batman and it exploded into a cloud of blue, preventing anymore movements from the Batman.

Ten minutes later, my front door was knocked down, mom threw my father onto the floor.

“Get up.” She growled.

I watched with amusement.

Layla walked out of the kitchen with her oven mitts on to watch, a cruel smirk sliding onto her face. “Get ‘em, momma!”

Joker looked at her with a bit of pride it looked like before he quickly grabbed my mom’s foot before it collided with his face. “You and I divorced, we are over! Let me live my life!”

“Sorry if I got in the way of you and rich boy,” he started cackling. “You think that’s going to last? He’s as faithful as Tiger Woods.”

“And you were?”

Dad’s face all of a sudden got serious. “I never cheated on you, Evangeline, because you were the only woman for me.”

Mother’s face softened, she turned her head away.

“Why don’t we go back to our old lives? I bet it felt good to be out there as Caerulean.”  

Mom sighed loudly with a pained expression. “It did. . . “ She whispered softly.

“Then let’s go back . . . Come on. . . “

“The divorce was finalized already. It’s over.” My mom turned her head away from him, giving him the cold shoulder.

I freaked out at this and stood up. “Fucking fix things!” I shouted, my parents looked at me with wide eyes. “I don’t want mom with that rich bitch, and I don’t want dad to be an asshole anymore!”

“Thanks,” Joker, or dad as I can call him now (earned a bit more respect for him), sarcastically spoke, laughing. “Neuro.”

Mom turned to look at me, squinting her eyes at me. “I knew that was you.”

I was shocked. “How?!”

“Uh. You think a tiny little mask is going to obscure my sight? Mask or not, you are my son, I would recognize you even if your hair was purple.”

“Err, why don’t you guys get back to making up?”

Dad raised an eyebrow, chuckling again. I was avoiding the conversation, and he thought it was hilarious. He thinks everything is hilarious.

He turned to my mom, sucking in his cheeks and sighing. “Baby, I—“

“GROSS!” Layla and I shouted in unison and left them to speak.

Thirty minutes later, there was a knock at my door. I opened it to see my mother with that childish spark back in her eyes. “Hello, pumpkin. Pack your stuff, we’re moving to a bigger house with your father.”

I turned to look at Layla, who was currently at my computer. Her eyes lit up and she ran up to my father, who had walked up to the door, and hugged him. “Daddy’s not a dick anymore!”

“Fuckin’ damn! Sorry guys!” Joker laughed, my mother gave him the warning look.

I laughed, the happiness of the moment settling in.

Little did I know that there was a storm coming that would change all of our lives—forever.

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