2: Dinner With Damian

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“Kellen, are you sure?” my father asked, looking around the room with his green hair flopping around as he dramatically got down on the floor to examine it. My mother was more practical, looking from a distance from everything to gain as much detail as possible. She sighed.

“Nothing seems out of place, Kellen.” She spoke, shrugging. “Maybe you just saw something. Runs in the family.”

Dad chuckled at her comment and smirked at her, she smirked back but then her expression turned sour, I assumed she had remembered that she was mad at him. He sighed softly and shook his head.

 “Trust me, Evangeline, I did not cheat on you!”

“Then why bring those girls along?”

“To spite you! That’s all.”

“Knowing you, you slept with them to get back at me.”

“No, just brought them to piss you off. I love you, Evangeline.”

“Jack, I-“

“Guys, I’m serious here, someone broke in. You can be all gross with each other later,” I sighed. “Where’s Layla?”

“In her room getting ready for tonight. Which you should be doing, too. I’ll stay with your father and hire henchmen to watch the house before the guest arrives.”

I sighed and went to my room, still a little freaked out that someone got through our standard security.


Hours passed, and it was time for dinner. My mom had put on a blonde wig, and I had placed a beanie on my head again. My dad wouldn’t be able to dye it until the weekend, which was two days away. Frustrating, but at least he could do it soon.

I went downstairs to see which guest my mother was so hyped about having, and lo and behold, there stood my sister with Damian Wayne, her hand clasping his. She smiled widely when she saw my mother and I, but her smile faltered when she saw how angry I looked.

“Hey, it was really easy getting in my car, no worries, park like a jackass whenever you want,” I spoke. “I disapprove, by the way.”

“Kellen!” Layla stammered angrily, I shook my head and sighed. Damian only nodded to me, trying to be as nice as possible I was guessing, though I knew he was incapable of it.

“I’m sorry, Kellen. I’ll park better next time,” he then turned to my mother. “Ah! Mrs. Napier! You look gorgeous. Probably where Layla gets her good looks from.”

I nearly threw up at that one.

“Nope, that’d be me,” my father stated, laughing as normal as possible as he walked down the stairs to us. Funny, didn’t know he was capable of not making that creepy laugh. Both my mother and Damian chuckled at his statement, he shook hands with Damian and walked us to the kitchen where we took our seats.

“I’m sorry my father and mother couldn’t attend, they’re on an important business meeting. Last minute.”

“Oh, happens to me all the time, it’s understandable,” dad spoke, then saw my mother’s slightly irritated expression. “Kind of.”

Damian chuckled a little and smiled at Layla, who blushed and turned her gaze onto the waiters who were bringing in our food.

Well, if I would have known about this little dinner, I wouldn’t have showed up. Dad must have noticed the disgust on my face because he let out a laugh and shook his head. “Kellen, you look so happy.”

My dad’s jokes were so excessive, but that’s why he got his name. I didn’t have a cool name yet, I still had to think of one that my parents didn’t think was stupid. I sighed, rolling my eyes.

They could call me DGAF Boy.

I scratched the back of my head, my beanie slightly pulling back from my actions.

“Woah, is there blue in your hair?” Damian questioned, Layla looked at me with wide eyes knowing about my discomfort with the subject. I scowled.

“Got paint in my hair when I was painting something,” I growled, pulling my beanie roughly back in its position and taking a bite of my roast beef. He nodded, chuckling.

“You should get your hair done where I get mine done.”

I snorted. “That’s manly.”

My father and mother bit back a smile, Layla did not. She looked annoyed.

“Sorry, my brother is a bit touchy.”

“No no, it’s okay. I’m protective over people who are basically like siblings to me. Like Tim. It’s just weird that Kellen and I aren’t closer. We should be friends, Kellen.”

“I’ll get on that as soon as possible,” I muttered, putting my napkin on the table. “I’m gonna go to bed, Damian, get your hand away from my sister.” I turned and started to head out, I heard my mom let out a sigh.

Later that night, my mother entered my room and sat down with me. “What’s wrong with Damian?”

“He’s the type of rich guy that flaunts his money, mom. Son of Bruce Wayne, extremely arrogant, full of himself, terrible driver. You really approve?”

She raised an eyebrow. “I’m married to the most notorious villain in Gotham City. I have no right to judge. That’s annoying and all, and he looks like a little shit, but you know what? Your sister wants to be with him, she’s being rebellious, let her learn, eh?” she stood up. “Why not go party with Tim or something?” she questioned, then giggled. “You’re eighteen, Gotham has clubs open for eighteen year olds.”

“Not tonight, mom. I wanna stay home.”

She stared at me for a moment, then put her hand on mine. “Are you worried someone is going to break in and hurt us?”

I nodded.

She smiled softly. “We may be aging, but we aren’t losing our touch, sweetheart. Don’t worry. Anyone comes in, and we’ll have them in our grasp. Okay?” she kissed my forehead. “Besides, we are the ones who are supposed to protect you, honey. I’ll put myself in the crossfire any day for you, pumpkin.”

I laughed. “Okay, mom, but I’m still gonna try.”

She shook her head. “You are something special, Kellen. I want you safe.” She smiled softly. “So, your father has changed plans to Monday, you can take the rest of the week off. Sound good? I can tell your hair is bugging you.” She took off her blonde wig. “Don’t be ashamed. It’s beautiful.”

I laughed. “On you, yeah. . . “ I kissed her cheek. “Goodnight mom, I’ll talk to you in the morning. I’m tired.”

“No problem, kiddo,” she spoke and walked out of the door.

I waited until everyone in my family was asleep, then I took my jacket and put it on. I was gonna go out and see what I could figure out about that person who was in my parent’s room earlier. 

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