Chapter 4- Present Day

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3 years later

An early mist accumulated close to the lakes, with hints of hazy sunlight up ahead. The rain from last night had dispersed and had left a lasting hew of earth around the village. Edging closer to the tall, vibrant buildings it possessed. Even though it stood bright a sense of forgetfulness lingered around it. As if something has been gone to long.

Through the towering windows and sparkling roofs a shadow was reflected on the window. A shadow of a face consumed by sadness. Snow rested her chin in the palm of her hand, watching the due from the mist part ever so slightly. Her room faced over to the east so each morning she had the simple joy of watching the sun come up. It gave her a tiny whiff of hope.

"...that's not come you only get to come out for half of the day? Only to be replaced at night?...your kingdom is the day sky...and the moons is the night. You get to see the entire world. I'd like that one day" Snow whispered gently to herself. She then sighed.

"...but today...I'm here...oh why?" scrunching up her nose, she placed her hands over her eyes then rubbed them slowly. Once again she returned to the view. Snows eyes dimmed as the dullness of this day enveloped her. She moved her eyes slowly to a mirror to her left. She blinked seven or eight times then gave up. She then picked up the book that rested on her table next to her. Turning it over and over in her hands, she smiled meekly. But then with a sigh of defeat and oppression, she turned to the window.

On this day, she was up at the crack of dawn as she did every morning. Her father was an early riser also and used it as an excuse to depart to his studio to work. The market strived to late into the day and all the bargains end up gone. So by Snows estimations and I guess everyone's, the earlier to go the better it would seem. Packing up her things in her basket, she picked up her notepad, pencil and book.

While packing everything into her basket, Snow adjusted her red ribbon that sat atop of her head. Her father had gave it to her when she was a little girl, belonging to her mother.

The house over the years had grown an older shade of yellow. When light shone through the glass into a room, it cast a light with golden tones only now those tones were a sickly yellow. The walls, floors and furnishings had fallen to wreck, begging for some life to be breathed back into them. Walking down the halls from her room, Snow hurried her way towards the front door. She did not want to make any such noise that might disturb 'ma lady' as she had taken to call her. For she lay until noon and did not show signs of breaking such a trend.

Just at the entrance of the house, a portrait hung up on the wall that had seen better days. A small curtain hid a portion of it but it was still visible. It was a portrait of Lily.

"Good morning know, I look at this painting everyday...and I feel as if I've always known you...that we have never been apart....well today I'm going to town so, try not to love while I'm away...I'm joking..." Snow sniggered at her joke. For she knew her mother heard her. "...I've ran out of blue paint and the contrast of the sky in this painting needs a blue that I do not possess...I'll see you soon" Snow smiled at the picture before departing out the door quietly but with a spring in her step.

Such a small village contained the most lively of scenes in the morning. Bakers made their bread, blacksmiths worked their metal, teachers taught the children but what was mostly prevalent was the amount of couples. Varying all ages, woman were linking the arm of some dashing young nobleman. It was a sight that Snow was all to familiar with. After she had bought the newest book she could find at the book store, she made her way to the paint shop.

"Good morning Cyrus..." Snow softly greeted the small, grey haired painter in stained overalls.

"Oh...good morning Snow My I wondered if before you gather what you need, if you could give me your honest opinion about this painting. I uh....managed to get most of the foreground done this morning but oh the colours...I'm not a very good judge of colours...what do you think? Should there be more....vibrancy or dullness?" The old painter pulled Snow aside to an easel that stood in a corner. Pulling back a sheet to reveal a lake and forest scene, definitely the Great Lakes that reside around here.

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