Chapter 22- Getting to know you part 1

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4 days later

Cloud reseeded higher in the sky and the warmth barely there as the city of Paris awoke to begin the day in the same state they did everyday. Stoic and uneventful.

Phoebus had dined early for breakfast before walking through the high walled streets accompanied by his horse Achilles toward has the pious palace of justice. Still not quite sure what mood and temperament he may find minister Frollo to be in. Plus with the recent cold snap, he knew that would add to his growing frustration.

It had been 4 days since he found out the whereabouts of the missing girl that had so frequently occupied Frollos thoughts. Knowing only her name and the circumstances to which she found herself to be in prior to the witch hunt held against her. Phoebus could not help but feel worried, discouraged about the safety of the people in Paris as his plans for a rebellion rested in the hands of two complete strangers. He shook his head from his trance while brushing off those feelings which he knew he couldn't allow to be displayed on his face. Especially before Frollo.

Slowly walking up the courtyard of the ministers palace, Phoebus's eyes pulled back at the sight of the heavy door opening revealing a group of guards along with Frollo chatting amongst themselves in what appeared to be a cheerful manner. The minister adjusted his hat while in deep discussion with the lieutenant to his right even go as far as smiling in between points. After a few moments, Frollos horse was brought to the bottom of the steps by the guards to which they saddled it up and groomed it with a brush. Confused by the undivided attention the guards were giving to Frollo, he walked over to the uncomfortably unusual sight.

"Ah Captain Phoebus...I must say it is a marvel to be up at such a beneficial hour. Why I've never been in better spirits!" The minister greeted. His voice high pitched and almost triumphant. He adjusted the ruby and emerald rings on his hands, smiling secretively.

Phoebus rubbed his head. Dumbfounded at the sudden sprightly attitude of his commander.

"Umm...That's Umm excellent to hear sir. You do seem of a more...generous temperament this morning" he commented. At first not sure on what to really make of the situation. Eyes growing wilder, Phoebus simply stared in wonderment at the change in Frollo.

"Generous indeed Phoebus...I have every reason to feel chipper. I see the townsfolk rising with the ring of the bells or earlier and at first I felt skeptical at their chosen hour for reflection but I must say it certainly does produce the best results!" Frollo stated with a quiver on his lips which turned to a smile.

While turning toward his guard, Frollo collected its reins from the guard preparing to mount his black stallion. Before he could Phoebus interjected with a furrow in his brow.

"Pardon me sir but...what exactly does that mean?" He asked baffled. Leaning out his hand to tug on the ministers sleeve.

"...dawn captain...particularly autumn dawn can be quite dark and devilish. And it seems our target gypsy girl eluded to that conclusion also. We have received a tip off that a girl matching the witches description was seen leaving the city and heading for the forests earlier this morning. We are just now going out there to investigate and bring the heretic to justice!" He calmly but terrifyingly responded. Turning around toward Phoebus, Frollos eyes blinded with varility and satisfaction etched out onto his face.

"T-that's...excellent new sir. But...h-how do you know that it is her? It could be another wild goose chase set up by someone with the intent to con you, to con Paris?" Phoebus stuttered meekly, stepping further forward.

"No such person could ever mistake such a devil captain. I would not further this claim if I didn't believe that there was some truth in it! I can read people rather well. And one would be so insolent as to think they could gain one on me captain!" He exclaimed confidently as he mounted his horse.

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