Chapter 20- Sharing concerns

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Cathedral walls...if they could talk, what would they say? The prayers and wishes of others that have been secretly harboured in the heart just waiting to be spoken aloud. Peaceful and reflective silences that people have allowed to envelope them. Such beauty that is held within the power of words...that's what it would hear. But on this night such horror of words that rang not that of wishes but of truth emitted from Phoebus.

"That night...that you ran into the clearing and Frollo saw you...well...he has formed some sort of...dangerous obsession with finding you! He's branded you a witch! Seeing you Frollo immediately was taken by you...the cape that you dropped, Frollo has it and he has never let it out of his sight. That was quite a genius plan of yours to throw him off the scent but I'm afraid it hasn't bought you much time. He's scouring the city...he knows that you will be here somewhere! And now that I know!" Phoebus explained defeated, feeling appalled that it had cane to this.

"But I did nothing! I was running from my stepmother, she's trying to kill me! was only just last week that she killed my father while I was only in our garden. Coming back into the house from the rain, I saw what she had done...stabbed him through the heart and then she lunges at me with a share of glass stating that I ruined her life! So I had nowhere else to go, I had to run if I wanted to survive! That's all I've been trying to do, is stay alive!" She shook on the spot but some how managed not to cry.

Quasi had not moved, he was still processing the news of what his master had really been up too! Hunting down and prosecuting gypsies for no good reason? Acting like an impulsive maniac? And hurting Snow...that part sent his blood running cold! That was taking things a step too far! He knew that it wouldn't be his place to try to protect her but he wanted too with every fibre of his being.

Phoebus's eyes grew soft at her plea for a chance. That was all she wanted...was a chance.

"Please...I'm begging you, please don't tell Frollo where I am!" Snow beseeched with Phoebus, joining her hands together as if in prayer.

"...if I'd found you or not...I never would tell. You're obviously running from someone who is entirely out for your blood but...killing your father? I'd say you've suffered enough Snow...your secret is safe with me. I give you my word" tipping his head with comfort, Phoebus smiled halfway until Snow finished the other half.

Quasi had remained quiet the entirety of the time since the blistering revelation about his master. By a simple glance his way, both Phoebus and Snow could see he was in shock. Subtly Quasi lifted his head to face them both after shifting out of his thoughts. The look of confusion on his face.

"I-I...i-I'm so sorry!....t-that this happened to you! It's all my fault! When Frollo told me about his new mission in the forests I-I should have been inquisitive...I should have asked more. Why didn't I stand up to him and ask what he was doing?!" He protested. Quasi threw his hands up in the air in frustration then rubbed his eyes.

"Quasimodo it isn't your fault! You weren't to know what he was planning!" She stated forcefully though with ease, resting a hand on his shoulder to comfort him.

"Hold on you say that Frollo raised you, spent ample amounts of time with you and taught you all that you know and you still had no idea about what he has been planning?!" Phoebus hissed at Quasi slightly, still flabbergasted at the notion that Quasimodo was completely unaware of all such schemes.

"...I-I know that that doesn't seem possible but...if I had known what Frollo was up to h-how he was plotting to exterminate the gypsies then I-..." stepping nearer to Phoebus to see him better, Quasimodo tried to remedy his innocence.

"'s ok...we understand. You aren't to blame for what Frollo is doing!" She retorted compassionately, moving nearer to him.

"...look I have to level with you...Frollo hasn't told me outright but...he wants to burn you along with all the other gypsies Snow...and as for you Quasi, I never knew about you until about 5 minutes ago so what Frollo plans to do with you, I have no idea!" Phoebus explained carefully.

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